❄️ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎 ❄️

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Flagons POV

"Squad Flagon prepare for training!" A series of voices echoed throughout the empty training field.

I had been training the squad more often than usual. For personal reasons that have to do with a certain commander called (F/N). During her training yesterday I saw the hurt in her eyes as she saw Levi worrying about her. It was clear that inside she was just a fragile little girl and I want to break her.

Commander (F/N) puts on a tough persona to fool people into thinking that she's strong. She scares and intimidates people to get her way. It's what she's always done.

My plan is to mentally abuse her until she finally decides to give up. Once the first phase of my plan has succeeded then I shall
abduct her and physically abuse her until she can't take no more.

I have to get my revenge on that dumb bitch for not letting me beat the shit out of that underground rat. I want that revenge and I will get it. Even if it's the last thing I do. It's only a matter of time before my plans falls onto place.

I smirked and continued shouting at my squad.

Your POV

It was early in the morning. The normal rays of sun hit my face causing me to peel my eyes open and say hello to the world. I sat up and cracked my bones to release the tension from yesterday's training.

I got up out of bed and got a shower. I stripped out of my clothes and let the lukewarm water hit my sore skin. I winced as the water hit my fresh burns from yesterday. My arms and legs were completely burned. I decided to cool my arms down by activating my powers. Focusing on the main parts of my body. As the ice slowly formed it instantly started to evaporate because of how humid and steamy it was in the shower.

I started randomly humming to myself, cancelling out all of the noise allowing this rare time to myself. I opened the curtain and my eyes went wide.

In front of me was a shocked Levi staring straight at my naked body. His steel-blue orbs met mine. His eyes widened drastically before covering his eyes with his hand and looking away. I quickly grabbed the closest towel and wrapped it around my body. I quickly stepped out the shower with my now bright red face.

"I'll ask you this once. Why the hell did you come into my office without knocking?" My eyes were now covered due to my hair falling down in front of my face.

He sighed a defeated sigh knowing that he was the one in the wrong here. Erwin sent me with some paperwork for you to do. I knocked on the door but nobody answered. So I tried the handle and to my surprise it was open. So I let myself in since I'm in your squad. Next thing you know I'm in here"

I rolled my eyes and groaned in annoyance. Damn eyebrows interrupting my morning showers due to some paperwork.

"Okay fine I can understand that. However never come into my office without permission again if not then I'll just have to freeze you and feed you to the titans myself" He nodded and walked out of the door leaving me alone to get dressed.

I walked out of the bathroom turning the shower off behind me. I brushed my teeth and got dressed into my uniform. I put in the last strap and did my hair. I decided to leave it down for the day and put the brush away. I then placed my ice necklace around my neck. I quickly made my bed and headed out of my office locking it behind me.

After a short walk to the mess hall, I spotted all of the higher ups sat their table chatting away. As I approached them I saw Hanji point me out.

"Hey Icy is here guys!" My eye brow twitched at her stupid nickname for me.

"I swear on wall Maria if you keep calling me that I will freeze your ass" She shrugged and laughed. I rolled my eyes and sat down noticing that there was a cup of tea in front of me. I looked at it confused but didn't question it deciding to take a sip from it.

I sipped the tea and my eyes widened slightly at how nice it was. I placed it down and looked around noticing that Levi was sat at the end of the table sipping away at his tea not socialising with anyone.

"Who made this tea?" I called out. Everyone went quiet and looked at me confused. After a while someone finally spoke.

"That would be me commander" I looked towards the owner of the voice only to realise that it was Levi. I looked at him in surprise.

"Why did you make me tea Ackerman?" I said suspiciously hoping to get a reaction out of him. I was still secretly mad at him for the incident this morning. But I was also mad at Erwin for interrupting my morning shower routine.

"As an apology. Why don't you like it?" He asked raising a brow and looking my straight in the eyes.

I shook my head. "No not at all I think it's quite pleasant we'll done cadet not bad at all" He looked at me and nodded going back to sipping his tea.

Suddenly I felt something tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw a young boy looking at me with big blue eyes. He had long shaggy brown hair which was a mess if I do say so myself.  He had freckles all over his nose and a small blush covering them.

"C-Commander (F-" I looked him dead in the eye and put on a serious expression on my face.

"Fuck off" I turned back around and continued drinking my beloved tea.

"But I-I" Before he could say anything else Levi suddenly spoke up.

"She doesn't want you around so go take a shit or something. You're not wanted around here so go" The young boy quickly nodded and ran off to continue whatever he was doing before. I looked at Levi and silently thanked him.

"God these boys are so fucking hormonal. They'll do anything just to get their dick sucked or to put it somewhere else" All of the males looked over at me in shock. I met eyes with Erwin who sighed in annoyance at my bluntness.

"(F/N) why did you have to say it like that?" He questioned.

"It's the truth Erwin and you know it. Deep down that's all young want Hanji to do" His eyes widened and a little blush quickly spread across his cheeks.

"Don't day such things!" Hanji burst out laughing at Erwins reaction causing me to take a bite out of her bread.

"Hey I was going to eat that!" She exclaimed. I shrugged and ate the food.

"Tough shit. You should've ate it while you had the chance shitty glasses"

"You called me a nick name!"

"No shit Sherlock"

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