❄️ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒 ❄️

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Nobody's POV

A month has passed since the incident and nothing has happened with Flagon.

Everyone just continued living out their lives like nothing had ever happened. However the same couldn't be said the for second commander. She had been trying to file a report about the incident ever since the day she woke up.

On the other hand the Military Police would always reject her case, for some unknown reason they were only rejecting hers.

Levi would sometimes go down to the dungeons to interrogate him with Hanji. However they couldn't get any information out of him. After multiple attempts they had finally given up and accepted that he wasn't going to give them answers.

With the expedition around the corner they couldn't help but worry. What happened if we left him here alone? Would he get his squad to help him out like last time? So many questions yet no answers.

Your POV

"Commander are you sure you want to do this?" The raven haired man asked in concern. I put on my necklace and turned to face him.

"It's been a month since I last saw him. If he won't answer your questions then he will just have to answer to mine" He nodded in understanding before opening his mouth to speak.

"And what if he doesn't cooperate?" I turned around and placed my hand on the door handle twisting it in the process.

"Then I'll beat the shit out of him"

The sound of pain coming from Flagons lips was amazing. Every time I kicked him in the stomach his facial expression would turn into a pained one.

"Answer my questions and you won't keep getting hurt" The filthy man looked up at me. Blood trickled down his nose and lips from where I had been hitting him. Dirt in his hair from not having a wash for weeks.

"Like hell I'd answer to you" He spat on the ground in front of me whilst smirking. Anger once again took over my body. I grabbed his hair and punched him in the jaw. Whimpers of pain once again coming from his dirty mouth.

"Why did you do it?" He looked me up and down with a hint off list in his eyes. I quickly kicked him in the head sending him into the wall.

"You disgust me. If somebody asks you why did something you have to answer god dammit" I grabbed ahold of his collar and put one of my hands in the air. Slowly a spike of ice starting to emerge out of my palm. He looked at me in shock as the shard of ice got closer to his eye.

"You're insane!" He shouted, I shrugged and smirked.

"Maybe I am" Just as the ice was about to hit his eye a hand landed on my shoulder pausing my actions.

"I think that's enough for today" I sighed letting go of Flagons collar and walking out of the cell.

"Tch. You're lucky I didn't pull your eye out, be grateful" He looked at me. Fear and anger flooded his watering eyes.

"I swear I'll kill you (L/N)!" He shouted as I started to walk away.

"Your not the first one who's said that"

Once we made it to the mess hall I instantly sat down with the higher ups. Hanji and Levi were trailing behind me not saying a word. They knew I was mad and they didn't want to provoke it. However they also know that they had to calm me down. Once I sat down Erwin passed me a cup of tea made just how I like it.

I silently thanked him by nodding my head and took a sip of the warm drink. The flavour of the tea hitting the back of my throat instantly raising my spirits.

"So.. How did it go with Flagon?" I looked across to Erwin who was glaring at me intently trying to read my facial expression. I placed down my tea and let out a soft sigh of frustration. But before I could say anything someone interrupted me.

"Uhm Commander (F/N) I've got a confession-" I swung around shot a piece of ice at the ground making the cadet jump.

"Shut the fuck up and go brat. Can't you see that I've had a stressful day?" The young boy nodded frantically before scurrying back to his friends. I turned back around to Erwin and continued what I was going to say.

"We got nothing out of him. Apart from from grunts of pain" The commander looked at me with a dead pan expression.

"How badly did you beat him up (L/N)?" I looked away took a sip of my tea and shrugged my shoulders. "Not badly. Just a scratch" In the corner of my vision I saw Levi roll his eyes before speaking up.

"Sir that's a lie she did much more than that" I glanced over to him. A flame ignited in my eyes. I gave him a look that said 'My god you're so dead.'

"I barely touched him"  I heard Hanji snickering in the corner at my calm-ish comments.

"Commander you nearly gauged his eyeball out" Just as Erwin was taking a sip of his tea he instantly spat it out and started coughing. I looked at him in concern but quickly changed my expression.

"You did what?!" He said a little louder than his usual polite and well mannered tone of voice.

"I didn't actually do it if that's what your asking. Ackerman over here stopped me before I had the chance to do anything else" I quickly looked over to him seeing the smug look on his face.

"Ackerman walked in on me having a shower the other week" Suddenly the mess hall went silent. I could feel the shocked looks of the cadets who were now staring straight at me.

"What the hell commander!" He shouted angrily. I just took a sip of my delicious tea as he stood up and stormed over to me. I smirked slightly at his reaction.

"What it's only the truth" I looked up at him innocently and winked. His cheeks went light pink as he turned around and looked away out of embarrassment.

"Levi is this true?" The commander questioned him. I could feel his nervousness all the way from my seat.

"Yes sir"

"Hang on Erwin you're the one that makes these things happen!" I looked over to the owner of the voice. It belonged to no other than the crazy Titan loving woman.

"Pardon?" He asked directing his attention onto Hanji as she spoke.

"You keep sending us to her office with paperwork in the morning. She always has a shower in the morning so we always walk in on her" I smiled slightly whilst drinking my tea. She really is on my side!

"Well you should knock on her door!"

"Well we just enter with our own permission!"

"You're not suppose to do that!"

As the pair started to bicker I motioned to Levi that it was time to leave. This is going to be hell...

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