❄️ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖 ❄️

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Your POV

As I turned the corner my eyes widened in surprise.

Sat down at my desk was Levi Ackerman drinking tea with cleaning supplies next to the chair where he was sat. An ink mark appeared in my head as I lowered my hand.

"Ackerman what the fuck do you think your doing?" I called out. He glanced over at me with his usual bored expression in his face and continued to drink his tea. Without getting a response from him I started to grow agitated.

He placed his cup down and looked out to the window. He then looked back at the cup and was about to pick it up again. At this point I had enough with his little game.

"What the hell! Why'd you do that for?" He exclaimed. I just shrugged and leaned against the wall.

"Fun I guess" His glare darkened at my response.

"So you think it's amusing to freeze my tea?" He asked in a venomous tone of voice. Oh wow look at me I'm so scared~

"To put it plainly, yes" He suddenly marched over to me and punched the wall with his fist and looked me dead in the eyes. If his glare could get even more intense my eye balls would've burned out by now.

"I made that fucking tea with my own two fucking hands brat" I looked down at me nails annoying him even more.

"Congratulations do you want a medal?" He growled at me signalling me to shut up. I rolled my eyes and fixed my hair.

"Why you little-" before he could say anything else I kicked him in the groin. Causing him to fall onto the ground in pain.

"Just remember that your speaking to your superior officer Ackerman. Talk to me like that again and I won't hesitate to punish you worse" He looked up at me, his eyes slightly widened at my words. That's right I haven't been as demanding lately have I? Well guess I'm going back to my old ways.

"What's up with you today (F/N)?" He asked. I really wasn't in the mood for him today so I had to put the brat in his place.

"Do not call me that!" I shouted, he looked at me, shock plastered all over his face. I could tell he wasn't expecting me to shout at him.

"But you-" Before he could finish his sentence I quickly interrupted him.

"Did I give you permission to speak Ackerman? No I didn't. So you better tell me why you're in my office without my permission" My glare intensified.

He stood up and sighed.

"I came to deliver you some cleaning supplies and talk about tomorrow's expedition" He said. I knew that he had no reason to lie so I decided to believe him.

"Does that give you the right to come into my office when I'm out though?"

"The door was already unlocked when I arrived. I did a small knock and there was no reply. So I came inside to see if you were alright" I looked at him a little surprised before sighing.

"Well although it's nice to know that you were concerned for my well being. You do not go inside a superiors office without permission, for that you will be punished" He looked down and nodded. Almost like a lost soul floating around in an abyss.

"Yes Commander" He murmured, a sad look in his eye. Inside I felt horrible from keeping secrets from him. However he's just another cadet. I can't afford to be wasting my time like this...

"You'll be cleaning the stables until dark. Is that understood cadet?" He saluted and nodded in understanding. "Good. Now get out of here. I've got things I need to do" He slowly turned around and walked towards the door. Shutting it behind him.

After he left I sank back into my chair and looked up at the ceiling. Sighing, I created snowflakes and let them fall to the ground.

"I'm a horrible person" I sat back up and looked at the stack of paperwork that had to be filled out. Groaning in annoyance I pick up my quill and dipped it in the ink pot.


As I made my way down to the stables I quickly went to visit Hanji before my training. Without knocking I opened the door to find her scattering her stuff around the room making it even more of a mess than it already was.

"Oi Titan shit!" I shouted. Her head popped up out of nowhere.

"Hey frostbite what's up?" She says in an enthusiastic voice. I shook my head and crossed my arms.

"Are you coming?" I asked. She looked at me consider before I sighed in annoyance. "Training" She made an o shape with her mouth telling me that she remembered.

"Yeah let's go" Her once enthusiastic tone of voice was now replaced with a dull one. The atmosphere in the room changed drastically. As we were walking Hanji decided to speak up. "Why?" I looked at her confused before speaking again. "Why do you let this happen (F/N)?"

I sighed, "Erwin told me that he couldn't do anything about it. The higher ups wanted me to train outside the walls and that's what I'm going to do" She looked at me. A frown to on her face.

"I know but I'm afraid (F/N). What happens if something goes wrong?" I sighed and looked up at the sky. "I don't know Hanji I really don't know.."

We finally made it to the stables, only to find Levi lecturing some poor cadet who had mud on their shoes. I internally face palmed at how pathetic he was being.

"What seems to be the problem here?" The other cadet jumped at the sound of my voice. Levi however, that a different story. He looked at me, anger in his eyes as he held a broom in his hand. I looked around the stables to see that it was spotless.

"This little shit walked in with muddy shoes whilst I was doing my cleaning" I groaned in annoyance as walked towards Winters stable.

"Commander if you don't mind me asking. Where are you going?" The cadet asked. I turned around slightly to look him in the eye. "It's called non of your business cadet. Now get out of here and go train" He quickly saluted whilst nodding his head frantically in fear.

"What a pain in the ass" I heard Levi mumbled before continuing with his cleaning.

I opened the stable door only for snow to come out. I sighed before pushing it back in. Winter slowly emerged from the dark corner coming into the light. She made a grunting noise to greet me. I softly petted the side of her nose before putting her reigns on. After putting all of the horse tack on we were ready to go. Hanji slowly appeared at the side of me with her brown mare.

I could feel Levi staring at me so I gave Winter a slow kick to make her walk. Nothing was said between me and Hanji until we reached the gate. She got off of her horse and handed it over to a cadet. She looked at me once more before joining Erwin and the others.

I looked up at Erwin to see him mouthing something towards me. From what I could make out it seemed like he was telling me to be safe. I nodded before looking at the gate. I took a deep breath and I glanced behind me.

I saw the street filled with people who had come to see what was happening. However when they heard that I was going outside of the wall they came to cheer me on.

"Commander (F/N) you're a blessing to this earth!"

"Save us from the titans!"

"Be careful!"

I looked back at the gate before shouting. "Open the gate!" As such said this the crowd started cheering even louder.

As the gate slowly rose I was once again faced with the outside world.

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