❄️ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐 ❄️

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Your POV

I woke up with the soft early morning sun rays pouring into my bedroom. I let out a yawn and rubbed my eyes.

"Man I had one of the best sleeps ever" I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I ran warm-ish shower and hopped in it. I got washed and scrubbed my body. The water droplets that touched my hands froze instantly. I brushed them off and washed my hair with some shampoo and conditioner.

Once I was done I hopped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body and went to the sink. I looked in the mirror and saw my reflection. I sighed and decided to brush my teeth. As I was doing this I heard a knock at the door.

"Shit I'm not even dressed" The knocking got louder and I started to panic.

"Hey icy! Open up Erwin told me to give you some more paperwork since you've already completed it" I sighed in annoyance and unlocked the door. She raced in and placed the paperwork down on the desk. I gave her a bored expression and crossed my arms and stood there in my towel.

"Tell eyebrows he should respect my morning showers. That's the second time he's done it this week also stop it with the damn nicknames shitty-glasses" I glared at her but she just brushed it off she walked over to the door and was about to walk out but stopped before she could.

"Why do you call me nicknames then?" Before I could say anything else she smirk and ran off laughing before I could freeze her ass. I locked the door behind her and went back to getting dressed. I dried myself off with the towel and then got dressed. I finished putting on my straps on and started to dry my hair with the towel. Once I was dry I put it in a bun, I left any baby hairs down to make me look less of an egg head. I added the finishing touch and put on my ice necklace. 

I grabbed my key and locked the door behind me. The sound of my boots echoed throughout the silent corridor. I just need some tea...

I walked into the mess hall and went to make some tea. As I was making it I caught some people sat in a corner with nobody around at them. I stared at them for a while and realised that I was being weird. I snapped out of my trace and finished making my tea. Once it was done I grabbed some bread and sat down at an empty table. Normally I would sit with the higher ups even though I'm only a rank below the commander. 

As I was drinking my tea a boy came over to me and bowed down. I raised a brow at him in confusion and just glared at him. It wasn't a scary glare just one that said "hurry up your boring me" type of glare.

"S-second commander (F)-(F/n) I have a confession-" Before he could say anything I stood up and grabbed my bread.

"I decline" The entire room went silent and they were just staring at what was happening. Shock went all over the boy's face. As I was about to walk away he grabbed my wrist, gasps could be heard throughout the entire mess hall. I stood there and didn't look at him. I could feel him shaking with what seemed like anger and fear.

"You don't even know what I was going to say!" He raised his voice at me and I still didn't look at him.

"You forgot that your one of the many cadets that confess their 'undying love for me' its normal for me so don't think I didn't know what you were going to say anything" I turned around and glared at him. His eyes went wide but he didn't let go of my wrist. 

Levi's POV

I was drinking my tea in peace as Isabel and Farlan talked among themselves. Suddenly loud the chatter that consumed the mess hall died down and turned into a deadly silence. I saw Isabel lean over the table and whisper to me. 

"Big bro look over there. I think that boy's going to say something to that woman" I looked over and watched the scene unfold. I sipped my black tea and watched as the boy was going to confess to her however it seemed as though she knew what he was going to say.

Suddenly after she rejected him, he grabbed a hold of her wrist, everyone gasped. I'm going to take a guess and say that he shouldn't have done that because it looks like he's in deep shit now. She was glaring at him until she warned him.

"Let go of my wrist or you may just regret it cadet" He looked at her but didn't let go. I heard a low excited squeal come from the brown haired woman that greeted us yesterday. Tch. Why is she getting so excited the girl doesn't look like she could do anything bad.

Suddenly something started to come out of the girls hand. The crazed brown haired woman was screaming and laughing at the cadet. I looked at her in confusion but kept my dead pan expression.

"That idiots going to regret not letting go." Some random girl said.

All of a sudden the (H/C) girl let something crawl off of her skin. I looked more closely and saw something sharp but beautiful latch onto the boy's hand. He screamed in fear and tried to let go. However the thing that was attached from their hands would let him go.

"Touch me again and I won't hesitate to freeze your entire body." The body nodded frantically, the girl yanked her hand free and looked around the room. At the top of her head she had circle of sparkly shards that orbited in the air. I stared at her I suddenly found her (E/C) eyes locked with mine.

After a few seconds of looking at each other she pushed a piece of hair behind her ear and walked outside to the training area.

"Wow she's so cool!" Isabel looked at her in fascination. I tched and finished my tea. After I drank it I told them that it was time to train. They both nodded. As we walked out I saw the brown haired woman looking at me and smirking.

"Creep" I mumbled Farlan seemed to catch on that I said something and seemed to bring it up.

"Yo, Levi you say something?" He looked at me with a confused expression on his face and placed a hand on my shoulder.

I looked at him and gave him a glare. He seemed to get the signal and he removed his hand from my shoulder. I wiped down the germs and  continued walking.

Your POV

I walked out of the mess hall and decided to do some training. I looked down at my hand and sighed.

"He had it coming" I looked behind me and saw Hanji. She had a large smirk on her face, probably from the performance that I had just given everyone.

"I know. But sometimes I wish to be normal" She grabbed my hands without flinching due to the coldness. I looked at her confused and allowed her to do whatever she was doing. The brunette looked me dead in the eyes with a small smile on her face.

"If you were normal you would still be the same emotionless (F/N) that we all know and love. You have a gift that you makes you unique. Embrace it, that's the only thing that will make you love yourself like everyone else loves you. It takes time but I'm sure you'll learn to love yourself" My eyes widened slightly at her words. Love myself? I'd still be the same person?

I nodded and released my hands from hers.

"Thanks Hanji. As annoying as you are I have to admit you have some good advice" She laughed slightly and gave me a wink before and turning around to go back to her experiments.

"They don't call me humanities smartest for nothing! Also I promise to introduce you to the knew cadets. They're an interesting bunch if I do say so myself" She waved to me and left. I stood there thinking about what she said.

"They do seem interesting..." I realised what I said and smacked myself. No you aren't suppose to interact with them! They'll all just die!

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