❄️ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖 ❄️

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Your POV

There was a brief knocking at my door that drew my attention away from my paperwork. I looked up and sighed in a slightly annoyed tone from being disturbed.

"Who is it?" I called out whilst trying to concentrate on the paperwork.

"It Erwin May I come in?" The polite voice said at the other side of the door. I sighed and placed the pen down but kept the paperwork there to show I was busy.

"Yeah you can come in" The door opened travelling a blonde haired man with thick eyebrows. He had a stern look in his eyes. I knew that something was about to be said.

"I've got some news" I raised my brow and put my hands under my head to support it.

"And what would that be? Normally you tell me to come to your office if it's something important but this time you came to me yourself. It can't be that important for you to come tell me it personally" He rolled his eyes and coughed which was basically telling me to be quiet.

"I'm giving you a squad." I sat there and started at him for a minute I wasn't really listening in the first place until he said my name again.

"Wait. Did I just hear that correctly? Your giving me a squad?" I looked at him after realising that he wasn't joking in any way.

"Yes you'll be given a squad you've already got a member" My eyes widened as I saw my door open again. A very familiar face stepped inside my room and everything went silent.

"Him? What's the rookie doing here?" I asked clearly annoyed. Then I remember what I said in the expedition when he lost his friends. "I swear if you choose to follow us I will make your life a living hell and I'll sort you out. That's a promise I can keep." Ugh why did I have to say that?!

"I'm here to join your squad why else would I be here?" I could practically see him smiling like a maniac inside. But his facial expression wore a bored one just like mine.

"Do you have any objections Miss (L/N)?" I shook my head and sighed. I just looked at Erwin with a cold expression before activating my ice powers. The room temperature started to drop drastically I could see them trying not to freeze at my sudden action.

"Of course not sir. Why would I have any objections?" He shrugged before walking out of the door and shutting it behind him. Leaving Levi inside my office with me. I deactivated my powers and let the room temperature go back to normal.

"So what are you doing brat?" I looked into his steel-blue eyes in frustration. I could tell that he was unhappy too with Erwins decision but we couldn't do anything about it.

"Paperwork and don't call me brat when you're the rookie" He gave me a glare before walking over to my desk and sitting down in the chair I front of me.

"Well I am older than you so technically I have more knowledge" My brow twitched in anger as he kept making sarcastic remarks.

"Who says you're older?" I questioned looking him dead in the eye. He shrugged and slouched back into the chair.

"Dunno just a guess. I'm 22 what about you?" I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"20 so I guess your older than me cadet" His thin lips curved upwards the smallest bit. For an ordinary person you wouldn't be able to know he was doing it. But for people like us it's easy to point out and see.

"Tch. So what am I even meant to be doing?" I grabbed him a quill and place me the ink in the middle. He looked at me with boredom in his eyes. I pointed to the large stack of paperwork and gave him the same smirk back at him. In response he let out a groan.

"This is what you'll be doing and you won't be leaving this room until you've done it all" I grabbed the quill and got back to work. I glanced at Levi and saw his raven black hair covering his steel blue eyes. I pushed a piece of (H/C) out of my face and tucked it behind my ears.

Time skip -

I placed the final piece of paperwork down on the stack and put the quill back in the ink. Levi has to finish a few more papers since he wasn't use to doing this sort of thing so it took him longer to finish. Whilst he was doing the paperwork I decided to make some tea.

I told Levi that I would bring the tea up to my office after he had finished the paperwork. He just did his infamous "tch" and continued writing.

After I made the tea I was walking down the corridor and I bumped into a certain person. I was about to move out of the way but he bumped into my shoulder. I didn't expect for him to put so much force into it. I nearly fell but regained my balance. However the sound of glass smashing caught my attention. Flagon quickly walked away from the incident.

I looked down and saw that a shard of the tea pot my had gone into my leg. I rolled my eyes and bent down to clear the mess. There was the sound of a door opening but I decided to ignore it. Then a pair of rushing footsteps came towards my direction.

"What the hell was that noise?" The deep voice said in a panic. I didn't bother looking at him as I already knew who it was.

"What does it look like genius? I just dropped the tea not a big deal stop panicking" I sighed and continued to pickup the glass carelessly causing my hands to get little cuts. I saw Levi crouch down in front of me and start to help. He didn't look me in the eyes he just cleaned up the glass.

After we cleaned up the mess we put the remains of the teacups in the bin. I also found out a new thing about my subordinate here too. He's a clean freak and he's worse than me. As soon as we got back to my office he pulled out the cleaning supplies and started scrubbing at the floor.

"Commander you didn't actually just drop the tea did you?" My eyes widened as I leaned against the wall looking out of the window which was open. My (H/L) (H/C) hair swayed lightly in the breeze.

"I just dropped the cups no big deal what's with the sudden question anyway? I feel like I'm getting interrogated" I looked at him in confusion. His steel-blue eyes were locked with mine. His intense gaze practically burning through my eyelids and going to my brain.

"You're a bad liar that's why. How could someone with your skill be so clumsy with some tea? Let me answer that for you. Someone made you drop that tea didn't they?" I narrowed my eyes at him and crossed my arms staring at him.

"And what if I was to say I could know who did it?" He said in a serious tone. I could tell that he wasn't messing around. Dang he's good when it comes to finding stuff out.

"I'd tell you to try your best in guessing old man" He sent me a glare but I ignored it focusing on the subject that we were on.

"I'm only two years older... Anyway it was Flagon who made you spill the tea. Nobody would have the intention to do something like that. Probably because they're so afraid in the high and mighty commander." I rolled my eyes and started clapping slowly catching him off guard. I pushed my body off of the wall and went to sit down at my desk.

"Well done. You're detective skills aren't bad at all. Maybe a little bit more practice and you could be apart of the Military Police. Hey that's a good idea I'll go make arrangements right now for your transfer" His facial expression turned into a frustrated one. He walked up to me and grabbed me by the collar. I just sat there and let it happen. I closed my eyes and sighed.

"You won't dare hand me over to them pigs you hear me. Because if I'm going you're coming with me" I opened my eyes in shock to his words.

"Okay Ackerman I get it. Damn can't you take a joke every once in a while. Anyway go do some training or something you've got a break" He let go of my collar and nodded walking out fo the door shutting it behind him. I got off of my desk and walked over to the window.

"Flagon I cant wait to see what tricks you've got up your sleeve." I smirked slightly before shutting the window and taking the finished paperwork back to Erwin.

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