❄️ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓 ❄️

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Nobody's POV

It was the first day of training for the trio and it was fair to say (F/N) was not going easy on them. She was determined to teach them everything they had to know before the expedition. The intense training was only going to get worse during the long hours she had devoted herself to. It was clear that they were all good at moving through the air on the maneuver gear and they were good at hand to hand combat. She guessed they were good at this from the place they had come from. Rumours only spread more as the trio passed the commanders strict set up. 

She had found out about the plan yesterday and she was going to act like she didn't know anything about it. Although the trio were definitely interesting she couldn't afford to let her guard down when being around them. It was in their nature to sneak around and cause chaos, hence why she always stayed close to them. She never let anyone bad mouth them and she wouldn't let them bad mouth anyone else. She treated her cadets evenly.

They were currently fighting against each other and so far Levi had beat them all. It was clear that Erwin had specifically targeted them to use his strength in the core.

"Okay Isabel not bad but your form could use some work. Farlan help her with that whilst you're at it you two can spar together, also not bad work to say I've never seen you fight before you've got my approval. Last is Levi, I have to say you really surprised me I guess they don't call you the leader for nothing" She said with a silent smirk. Nobody could see it but she was actually amused, however she wore a bored and emotionless expression. 

"Yeah big bro is the best when it comes to fighting! Whenever we were in trouble he would beat them to a plump!" Isabel said proudly whilst putting her arm around Levi's neck. He looked at her in disgust since she had been on the floor and where all the germs were. 

"Oh really now?" (F/N) questioned whilst raising her brow in curiosity, she really wanted to test him now so she decided to challenge him to a hand to hand combat match. 

Your POV

"If you say that then I think we should put his strength to the test then shouldn't we Isabel?" She nodded enthusiastically and pushed Levi closer to me. He stumbled slightly but quickly regained his posture. 

"All though you're a girl that doesn't mean I'll go easy on you so be prepared to get your ass beat" He said in a serious tone. I rolled my eyes and took off my jacket and tossed it on the ground carelessly. This seemed to irritate him but I shrugged it off, eventually he took his jacket off too and got into a fighting stance.

I got into a fighting stance and waited for him to charge at me. I kept a bored expression whilst preparing to fight him, suddenly he charged towards me with his fists ready to hit me. He threw a punch at my face my I blocked it with my arm, he used his other one and hit me in the stomach catching me off guard. I jumped back and ran at him. I threw a punch at his cheek which he didn't see coming. Next I elbowed him in the stomach making him crouch in pain. I was going to kick him but he blocked it by grabbing my leg. He looked me in the eye's, a small bead of sweat dripped down his forehead.

He yanked my leg making me loose my balance, suddenly he punched me in the face I didn't have time to dodge so I took the hit. The impact made me stumble back a bit but I quickly did a round house kick to the face, he dodged it and pinned me down unexpectedly. My eye's widened as I was pushed to the ground I felt my hands being pinned to the ground. I tried to get out of his grip but he put all of his body weight down on my hips. He placed his head down closer to my ear and said.

"Too bad commander, you just lost to the rookie" His breath hit my neck sending chills up my spine. I gave him a small smirk before answering back to him.

"Hm, you may be correct about being a rookie. However I haven't lost yet cadet" He looked at me confused before I bucked my hips and flipped us over. My hands pinning his wrists down and my body straddling his. He looked at me in shock before getting annoyed.

"Tch. You've got skill I'll give you that you're probably the only person to ever pin me down in a fight so you're a lot stronger than you look" My eye's widened in shock, was he calling me short?

"Is that a short reference Ackerman?" I narrowed my eyes at him and he gave off the tiniest smirk that was barely noticeable.

"Why yes it is commander what you going to do about it short stuff?" I chuclked quietly and slowly made his hands freeze. He looked over at his hands to see them going blue. He tried to get out of my grip but he couldn't.

"I'll freeze your ass if you accept defeat" I could hear him growl but he started mumbling.

"Tch. Fine you win this time" I stopped freezing his hands and got off of him. I put out my hand to help him up. Surprisingly he took it and went back over to Isabel and Farlan.

"Now that I know his strength I need to keep my guard up. He stronger than all of the cadets I've faced he's danger when he wants to be" I flicked my (H/L) (H/C) hair and walked off to tell Erwin about the training.

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