❄️ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟐 ❄️

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Your POV

I slowly opened my eyes. The bright light quickly blinding me, I squinted them for a minute before letting the adjust to the sudden change.

I coughed, sitting up in the process. Instantly regretting it as a harsh pain shot through my body. I grabbed ahold of my abdomen and laid back down quickly. My head hitting the soft pillow hard. I looked around my to see my surroundings, realising that I was in a different location.

This isn't the abandoned house I was camping out at... A few minutes went by as I tried to make out where I was. Until it finally clicked. I was currently in the survey corps infirmary. The white walls all around me and the beds aside me. Why didn't I think of it sooner?

I remember what had happened with the titans. They just attacked out of nowhere. One thing led to another and Hanji had found me.

But where is she?

As if on cue the door opened with a slight creek before a figure walked through it. A tall brown haired woman with glasses stood in front of my bed. A small frown on her face as she stared at me.

"(F/N)..." She said softly, her once cheery self was now replaced by guilt. Her brown eyes now glossy, as they started to water.

"H-Hey Hanji-" I coughed, my throat was really dry due to dehydration. She quickly passed me a cup of water that she had been holding in her hands for the past few seconds of her being in the room.

I sat up slightly, wincing at the huge pain in my abdomen. I slowly grabbed the water out of her hands and brought it to my lips. Drinking the cool substance, instantly refreshing my once dry mouth.

I opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted. "Before you say anything please let me say this. I'm so sorry for putting you in this situation. I tried to come after you sooner but Erwin wouldn't let me. I kept pushing him to let me find you soonest but he wouldn't let me" She sighed running a hand through her already messy hair.

"Well guess what you came for me and found me. You even saved my life Hanji what does that say?" I said sternly, looking into her brown eyes.

"That I should've come sooner and maybe you wouldn't have been fighting for your life!" She said slightly raising her voice as a small tear dripped down her cheek.

"Bullshit!" I shouted back. Her eyes widened at my sudden outburst. "You couldn't have done anything! If only I was stronger and had control of my powers then I wouldn't be sent on these missions! Don't blame yourself when I'm only one who couldn't take care of myself!" I opened up my palm. Letting a little snowflake form and dance around in the air. Hanji walked over to the side of the bed and bent down to my level.

"Can I touch it? Please" She pleaded. After all of the years that Hanji has known me I never let her touch anything I created with my powers. I was worried if something would happen to her, however it is Hanji that we're talking about.

I sighed before edging my palm closer. A bright smile covered the woman's face as she lightly poked the dancing object. Fascination lit up in her eyes as she kept playing around with the snowflake in my hand.


I had been in the infirmary for hours now, although I wanted to go back to my room the Titan loving woman wouldn't let me leave the bed. She had been here the entire time, telling me about what had happened in case I had forgot something. I felt my eyes getting droopy from the long time I had been awake.

Just as I was about to drift off to sleep there was a knock at the door. Catching both mine and Hanji's attention. "Who is it?" She called out.

Shortly after a reply came along with it. "It's Levi" Hanji looked at me wanting an answer. I give her a slight nod letting her know that he can enter.

"Come in then" She said.

Once he walked through the door he just stared at me beaten up body. I looked at him confused as he didn't say anything. He just stood there in silence.

"So what is it?" I asked catching him off guard. He looked over at Hanji then looked over to the door. She seemed to get the sign before nodding and patting my lightly on the shoulder. Walking out of the room leaving the both of us alone.

"I'm sorry" He blurred out. I was a little taken back from the words that came out of his mouth.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"I said I'm sorry brat there are you happy?" He said. Annoyance, yet sincerity laced through his voice.

"Why are you sorry?" A new wave of emotion washed over his steel-blue orbs. Something that I couldn't see with my own.

"I'm sorry for pushing your boundaries. I'm not really sure what I did to upset you but I just wanted to apologise" My stomach suddenly had a weird feeling as he said those words. A strange warmth spread through my body as it relaxed at the words slipping off his tongue.

"Uh.. It's fine" I said a bit dumbfounded myself.

"So what happened whilst I was out there?" I asked out if curiosity. He started to fidget with his hands before crossing his arms looking at me.

"Seems as though Flagon drugged a cup of tea I drank" My eyes widened slightly.

"What!" I said raising my voice a little bit. Lunging forward slightly, regretting it right after. Grabbing ahold of my stomach before Levi quickly rushed over and helped me lie back down.

"Careful brat, I've already got the duty of taking care of you. Nobody else wanted to do it, plus Hanji gave me an order. I can't just disobey her. Since she's a higher up" I sighed in annoyance. That woman I swear...

"I'm fine Levi. Don't worry about me" I said waving it off. He rolled his eyes before doing his infamous 'tch'.

"Who said that I was worried about you brat?" I gave him a bored look before answering.

"The quick rush to come help me says otherwise" A tiny section of his cheeks turned a barely visible shade of red. My heart quickened. I dislike this feeling.

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