❄️𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑 ❄️

44 5 7

Levi's POV

"Commander stay in bed!" I groaned. This woman is still recovering from a life threatening injury and she can't do a damn thing I say.

"Get off of me! I got paperwork to do!" She shouted.

"Hanji said that she would do it as a thank you for saving her life. Tch take her up on the offer, you've been working too hard recently" I forced her to lay back down in her bed. She glared at me, shivers went down my spine just by her cold glare.

"I have things to do Ackerman move it" She placed a hand on my back. I looked at her confused. A sudden coldness could be felt on my back. I jolted at the cold feeling. Releasing her from my grip. She jumps up out of the bed and runs past me. My eyes widened at sudden burst in energy.

"Nani?!" I exclaimed, shocked at how she could move so fast despite being injured. I faced the direction she ran in and followed behind her. Her bare feet hitting the cold wooden floor and the survey corps head quarters.

She was running so quick it was hard to keep up. I saw a cadet facing the opposite way to where (F/N) was heading. I was about to tell him to move until she yeeted him out of the way. The cadet fell on the floor, face first to be exact. I run past him and continued my chase after the tiny commander.  Her speed gradually getting faster, multiple thoughts ran through my head. Confusion clouding my mind.

"Commander slow down you're going to make your injury worse!" I call out. I hear a faint groan come from the running (H/C). She turned a corner and sped up even more. At this point I was out of breath. My breathing became heavy and my throat was dry. I walk around the corner in hope to find her. But to no avail she had vanished.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance. 

This girl was just a trouble maker. "I feel like her fucking baby sitter" I mumbled to myself. As I turned around in my feel I see a broad chest in front of me. I look up to meet eyes with the figure. Vibrant blue eyes glaring into my own, holding anger within them.

"Ackerman what are you doing?" His deep voice calls out. I roll my eyes, but sigh in defeat.

"Chasing after the injured commander sir" I answer truthfully.

God I hate being a good cadet...

"Why were you chasing after her?" He asked, his stern glare never leaving my eyes.

"Because she's injured and she shouldn't be moving. Hanji gave me an order to look after her until she gets better" His gaze stays in me for a bit longer until he turns on his heel and walks to a supply closet behind him. He opens the door and sighs.

"Really?" He asks, clearly annoyed at something in the closet.

"Fuck you Erwin" Could be heard from inside. I squinted my eyes trying to figure out who's voice it was until it clicked.

I stormed over to the closet and looked at the person inside. They wore a bored expression on their face but their eyes were full of frustration. Annoyance radiating off of them.

"Are you serious?" I asked, my arms crossed and a pissed off expression now on my face.

"Fuck you too short arse" They spat. I rolled my eyes at them.

"You're shorter than me dumbass" I say. They pointed their finger out and a sharp shard of ice appeared. Almost like a hand crafted blade. They placed it against my cheek and snarled.

"I'm busy leave me alone!" My eyes widen at the sudden outburst of aggression.

Erwin quickly took the chance and grabbed her from behind. Pulling her hands behind her back restraining her. I was about to say something to him but he quickly dragged her away. I felt a wave of sadness wash over me.

"Why I am getting all of these weird emotions?" I mumbled to myself. Following closely behind Erwin and (F/N), watching as she tried to get out of his grip. Words that she would never say pouring out of her mouth.


"What's up with her? She's never acted this way before..." The crazy titan loving woman commented. A hand on her chin as she stared at the small commander who was now in a cell chained up. I breathed out a soft sigh. I noticed that I could see my breath coming from my mouth. I then look over to the cell to see Icicles forming on top of the ceiling.

"I don't know but I don't like it." I say. Earning the attention from both of them.

"Levi have you done anything to anger her or annoy her whilst she was in your care?" The tall man asked me. His eyes full of anger.

"No, why would I? Hanji gave me an order so I followed it. I took care of her like you asked but she wanted to 'go do her paperwork'. I explained that Hanji was going to do it as a thank you of saving her but the commander wasn't having it. Next thing you know she uses her power on me unexpectedly so I let her out of my grip out of shock. That's when she went running" I explained. Hanji was looking at the ground. Confusion written all over her face as she tried to think what could've triggered her sudden outburst.

There was a minute of silence as the pair tried to figure out what was going on.

Until someone spoke up, "I believe him Erwin" my eyes widened a tiny bit.

"What?" I accidently spoke out, she looked at me a smile on her face.

"I said I believe you. You've took care of your commander well, so this isn't any of your fault. I have a theory though. This could be because of her power, she used an extensive amount of it to fight off the huge hoard of titans surrounding her" Erwin didn't say anything but he was still listening to the brown haired woman.

"So what you're saying is that because of the massive amount of power she released her body wasn't use to it. Causing her to become aggressive?" I say my arms crossed as I took in the situation.

"So this could just be a side effect from her powers?" He say's breaking his own silence.

"Exactly! Every time she's used her power she's only used it to a certain extent. So her body is suffering from the side affects! I need to note this down. This could help us in the future!" She exclaimed. I put a hand on my ears at her high pitched tone.

"Tch, tone it down shitty-glasses you just burst my ear drums" I say sarcastically. She just giggled and walked over to the cell where (F/N) was being held captive.

"Hey (F/N) you feeling better or not?" She asked the chained up girl.

Her head was hung low. Her hair covering her eyes.

She glanced up, her (E/C) eyes now glowing. The once dull shards of ice that hovered around her head now illuminated too. I also noticed that her necklace was glowing too. "Hanji what's happening with her?" I ask. The brown haired woman stared at the (H/C) in satisfaction, ignoring my question.

"Beautiful" She spoke. I looked back at (F/N) to see her now stood up. The outer corners of her eyes were also glowing, but at the same time they were strange. They were like blue flames coming out of her eyes. I heard a cracking sound. I quickly look over to see ice covering the chains. A second later the chains completely shattered, my eyes widened .

"Watch out Hanji!" I shouted.

Then it went black...

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