❄️ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓 ❄️

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Nobody's POV

After numerous occasions of sending in a report for Flagons crimes the MP's have finally decided to look at the case. After looking over it they decided that a testimony will presented by both sides in the court room. The first side being second commander (F/N) (L/N) and the other her cadet Levi Ackerman, to back her up. The (H/C) also has another two key witnesses who were there after the scene took place. Commander Erwin Smith and section commander Hanji Zoe.

Squad leader Flagon has got two of his cadets from his squad as his defenders. Acting as witnesses to win this case. In order to take the second commander down and frame her in the process.

The sound of the hammer echoed throughout the room as the judge got everybody's attention. All eyes were now on him.

"Settle down people, we are here today to discuss the attack of (F/N) (L/N)" Gasps could be heard in the crowd, yet they quickly died down allowing the judge to continue his speech. "The Second Commander has been I quote 'sexually harassed' by squad leader Flagon who is currently in custody of the survey corps"

(F/N) glanced over towards Flagon only to find him glaring at her. Anger filled his eyes as he stared at the girl intently, trying to scare her and make her back down. However she was determined to win this case.

"Commander (L/N) is it true that you concealed you and squad leader Flagon in a dome of ice?" The (H/C) nodded before nodding. No emotions appeared on her porcelain face. Her eyes practically lifeless as she slowly looked at the judge before nodding to his question.

"So you admit that you trapped yourself and Flagon in the ice that was created by you from your powers am I correct?" A stern look on his face as he stared at her trying to read her. Scanning for any signs of hesitation or nervousness.

"That is true your honour. I created an ice structure to stop the squad leader from going any further with his actions" The judge nodded and looked towards Flagon who's face flushed red with anger.

"Lies! I placed my hand on your shoulder! It's a friendly gesture for my respect towards you and then you surrounded me with your ice!" The crowd gasped sending their stares over to the young Commander.

"Commander is this true?"

"I stick by my words. He sexually harassed me, I have an eye witness who was there with me at the scene and I have two other witnesses who saw us after I had enclosed us in the ice" The judge still tried his best to read her facial expression to see what she was thinking but eventually gave up.

"Both sides have said their side of the story. It's now time to see what the witnesses have to say" The crowd remained silent awaiting for what the witnesses were going to say. This is all like a game to them. Listen to the speakers view points and pin the blame on someone to see if their guilty.

"Is Levi Ackerman here with us today?" The judge called out. His eyes scanning around the crowd to spot him out. A young raven haired cadet raised his hand up in the air catching the judges attention.

"Present your honour" He called out slowly stepping forward for all to see his face. His fierce steel-blue eyes glaring at those around him.

"Is it true that two other male cadets got ahold if you and didn't let you out of their grip?" The judge was trying to read the males emotions by reading for any signs of distress. However, he wore the same blank expression as his fellow leader.

"Yes that is true. They held me down allowing Flagon to get to the commander. I couldn't get out of their grip to help her" He glanced over to (F/N) who had a sad yet angered look in her eye. On the inside it pained him to see his commander like that. Yet on the outside his face was a blank canvas. No emotions shown. Some would even say he looked lifeless.

"And is it also true that you knocked them out to regain your freedom?" The raven haired man nodded agreeing with his words. "I see so can you explain to the court what you witnessed?"

"Of course your honour" After a while of explaining his side of the story the court case came to a stand still. "And that's when she trapped herself in the ice to stop that bastard from touching her even more" 

"Your honour if I may speak?" A voice called out, interrupting the small conversation between the two men. Everyone's eyes trailed to the owner of the deep voice.

"Of course Nile Dawk"

"Cadet Ackerman you speak as though the commander is somewhat of a normal person" Levi's glare intensified at his words. 

"Are you implying that she isn't a person sir?" Both of their stares were practically burning two holes into their skulls.

"Of course not. She's merely just a tool for the survey corps to use, soon enough she will lose control of her powers when she's out in the field. Resulting in even more casualties than a Titan would cause" Levi's facial expression quickly changed, before he could say anything else she quickly spoke up.

"Nile you would know better than to call me a tool. I'm Erwin's bodyguard and his second in command. I suggest you take your statement back" Her glare held sort of emotion on them that Levi hadn't recognised before.

"Your honour I can tell she is lying with her case" The judge rose an eyebrow to his sudden statement.

"And why is that?"

"She's not defending herself as much. Her details don't exactly
match up to her witnesses and reports say that the pair haven't had a good relationship with Flagon since the beginning. This could all be an act to remove Flagon from the survey corps" The judges sighed understanding Nile's words.

"Case closed. Squad leader Flagon you are not guilty..."

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