❄️ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗 ❄️

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Your POV - A week later

Its been a week since the whole Flagon incident with the tea. After the expedition I had been given a squad that consisted of one person. As you may know this is Levi Ackerman.

As annoying as he may be, he is easily the best solider out of all of the cadets in the core. He has a natural talent full of strength that drives him forward. How he does it I will never know but so would never question his intentions.

I sighed in boredom looking over to my right. "What?"

"Is this really what you do all day? Watch some cadets train and do paperwork? God that must be boring" My eyes met his as I stared into them. His face said he was bored and so did his eyes. I pushed my hair back and crossed my arms looking back forward.

"Yes unfortunately that is all we do. After that we write up reports on all of the cadets about how they are doing in their training and their progress" I watched as they were all doing hand to hand combat. My eyes shifted over to Flagon and his squad. I noticed that he was glaring at me. I held my glare back at him until Levi snapped me out of my gaze.

"Oi brat" I looked at him with an annoyed expression.

"What now Ackerman?" He rolled his eyes and stared at me.

"Didn't you say that you had training or something to do as well?" I looked at him in surprise.

"I'd actually forgot about that" I mumbled looking down at the ground. I looked back at Levi with a serious expression on my face.

"What did you say?" He questioned raising a brow in suspicion.

"Nothing let's just go I need to go train it's important" He nodded and we headed over to the empty training area which was surrounded by people on the outside.

I scanned around to see who was here. I spotted that all of the squad leaders and the higher ups. Levi was beside me glaring at all of the people that were staring at me. I could tell he was confused because this was meant to be training.

As we were walking Levi got closer to me and put his head nearer to my ear. It looked like he was going to say something because he kept looking around him. It was clear that he didn't like all of the attention on him.

"What's with all these people here?" I didn't look at anyone I just walked straight forward until I was face to face with commander Shardis. Ignoring Levi in the process proceeding to annoy him even more from not getting an answer.

"Sir!" I signalled Levi to salute him which he did however he still gave me a confused look.

"At ease (L/N) now lets get straight into your training. Your horse is over there waiting for you" I nodded and told Levi to stand in the crowd and not say a word. To my surprise he actually obliged.

I walked over to Winter and she neighed to greet me. I nodded to her and she stood still for me to get on her back. After I was on her I gave her a small kick signalling her to walk. I directed her into the middle of the field and we waiting for a small amount of time.

Suddenly an arrow was shot at me from behind. I quickly put my hand up and froze it before it stabbed me. Within a split second lots of arrows were sent flying my way. This was a test of reaction time and to see how good I was with it. I quickly froze all of the arrows and breathed out calmly.

"Not bad second commander (L/N) that was better than last time but I'm sure you know what I really want you to do" I looked at Shardis and nodded slowly.

I heard the sound of 3DMG coming towards me. I closed my eyes and braced myself for what was about to happen. The feeling of boiling hot water made contact with my skin. I could feel the water burning my skin with how hot it was. I kept my eyes closed but I could feel Winter moving underneath me. Probably in pain from the sudden hot water.

I focused all of my magic all over my body. I then froze the water dripping off of me and Winter. Everyone looked at us in shock. The water that had recently burned my skin had caused me to create a huge ice berg around us closing us in.

I could hear Levi starting to panic from the outside. Normally this sort of process would wear me out pretty quickly. I opened my eyes to see him banging on the ice shouting commander but never using my name.

"Cadet calm down. What is your relationship with the commander?" I quickly shut my eyes and stayed in the position I was still in not moving a muscle to listen to the conversation.

"She's my commander and squad leader. Why?" I could hear the anger coming through his voice.

"Oh I was just wondering why a cadet like you is worrying over a commander who is a higher status than you" My eyebrow twitched at his comment. All because I was his squad leader doesn't mean he has to question our relationship.

"I don't care what you have to say just get her out of there" 

"She can do that herself that's what she's here for" I grit my teeth and start still trying to hold my anger in.

Levi didn't say anything he just looked down. I could sense that he was frustrated with what Shardis has just said.

"(L/N) do it. We haven't got all day waiting for your shenanigans" I rolled my eyes and focused on an image in my mind. In a few seconds the ice around me shattered and turned into something beautiful.

The gaps of the crowd around us echoed throughout the training field. I looked around with an emotionless expression on my face. I felt something land on my hand. I looked down and saw the ice butterflies that I had just created with my magic.

I looked at it and let go of Winters reign. I lifted my hand slowly and allowed the butterfly to fly off into the air.

"Well done commander always putting on a show for others. Your training will get harder as I now see that you have gained full control of your powers." I put my head down and nodded. I waited until I had been given permission to leave until I started riding back to the stables to Winter back.

Levi was trailing behind me as she walked slowly after being exhausted after the training.

"What the hell what that about?" He said raising his voice slightly. I didn't bother looking at him I just kept my focus on the path.

"Training" Was all I said this seemed to annoy Levi a bit more as I heard him tch in annoyance.

"You call that training? They poured boiling hot water on you! You've been wounded again!" I looked down to see the burn marks that had appeared on my body. My clothes were soggy and slightly ripped exposing small amounts of skin. Luckily the rips weren't in revealing areas.

"It's normal Ackerman. You'll see me go through worst things trust me this is only the beginning. You shouldn't worry about me, at the end of the day I'm your commander it's meant to be me taking care of you. Not the other way around understood?" He sighed and looked forward.


Little did we know everything was going to get worse from here on out...

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