❄️ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐 ❄️

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Levi's POV

I watched as my commander engulfed herself and that bastard Flagon into her ice. Just as I finally got out of the men's strong grip I happened to be too late. I looked at the ground to see both men knocked out from my sudden attack.

"Commander!" I shouted quickly running over to her. Her eyes were closed as she tried to look comfortable in the iceberg.

I tried banging on the glass to make it shatter or break, but unfortunatly it led to no prevail.

"Damn it all, if only I had got out of their grip sooner non of this would've happened" I sighed angrily banging on the glass once more which again did nothing. "I'm sorry commander. I'll fix this just hold on a little longer" I quickly ran off in the direction to shitty-glasses office. Once I arrived I didn't hesitate on barging through the door.

The mad scientist jumped back in fear at the sudden action. I looked at her with with worry in my eyes and frustration on my face.

"Oh! Levi you made me jump. Normally you wouldn't come to my office but it must be important if you just barge open the door" I nodded whilst wiping my forehead.

"I need help shitty-glasses, its the second commander.." She looked at me with a confused expression before her eyes lit up.

"You need help confessing to her? Sure I'll gladly help you out!" She exclaimed. I looked at her in shock but quickly regained my composure.

"No you idiot get your mind out of the gutter. Its much more serious than you think" She sighed sadly before placing the glass tube containing some sort of coloured liquid down.

"I apologise for my outburst. How can I help?" I looked at her a little taken back. She was just offering to help me just like that?

"After the assembly, just after everyone had left squad leader Flagon confronted the commander. He started asking how her day was, basically starting a conversation with small talk. However he started calling me an underground rat, I got mad and went to punch him. However the commander got in front of me stopping me from getting to him and that's when everything escalated" I explained the rest of the story to her. She stood and listened to my problems until she sighed sadly.

"So before Flagon could touch her anywhere else she concealed herself and him in ice am I correct?" I nodded crossed my arms.

"That bastard sexually assulted her. Surely he should go to prison or get his title stripped?" I asked.

"That is something that I would be able to do, however I'd need permission from the higher ups to do such an action. If he was to go to court there's a chance that he would just be let go" I looked at her in shock before speaking.

"What why? He touched her without permission! Surely that's enough to have him behind bars?" She crossed her arms and looked at me sadly.

"No. Because you don't have any witnesses, it'd be two against three and Flagon can get more people from his squad to make up a story. No offence but it wouldn't work in your favour either due to the place you came from. Some people still don't trust you, except a few of us like me Erwin and (F/N)" I sighed understanding what she meant. If I walked into a court room and tried defending her the story could easily be turned on me making me the villan.

"I understand but right now I need your help getting her out of the ice" She nodded grabbing some liquids before walking out of the room following after me.

After a very quick walk we finally made it back to the scene I heard Hanji gasp in shock as she saw (F/N) in the ice.

"This is worse than I thought" She said walking over to the iceberg and placing her hand on the ice. "I just can't imagine Flagon doing this. We need Erwin here to see this. I can't let her out just yet he needs to see this" She said quickly running to get Erwin.

I placed a hand on the ice and looked at her face. She looked so peaceful yet distressed at the same time. I remember back to the time when she froze up from fear when Flagon touched her. I keep hearing her voice in my head repeating itself saying "I'm sorry...".

I heard a pair of footsteps coming towards me. I quickly turned around to see who it was only to be greeted by Hanji and Erwin.

"What has happened..?" Erwin asked hesitantly.

"Flagon tried touching her somewhere and she froze herself" I'll explain the full story later right now we need to get her out of there" His eyes widened as he took a step closer to the ice.

"You poor thing..." Hr whispered grazing the ice with his fingers.

Hanji placed a hand on his shoulder as he stayed there for a minute. He reluctantly stepped away from the ice and stood next to me watching Hanji's movements.

She pulled out the strange liquid and pulled the cap off of it.

"This substance can burn through ice or tough items like it. I specifically made it in case anything happened out on the field with (F/N). This won't hurt her it will just melt the ice around them" We nodded in understanding.

She poured the liquid on the ice and it slowly started to melt. I watched as the ice turned into water. After a few minutes the ice had melted and (F/N) had been released. Just as she was about to fall to the ground I quickly rushed over to her catching her in the process. I watched as Flagon collapsed to the ground. Erwin went to his side and tied up his hands. He called for some cadets to take him to the dungeons.

Hanji walked over to me and (F/N) and placed a hand on her cheek and sighed.

"She'll be just fine. Take her back to her room and let her get some rest, she'll be as good as new by tomorrow" She rubbed her thumb over her cheek before standing up and going over to Erwin.

"Thank god you're safe..."

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