Perfect symphony

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Dalton's pov

I watched as she walked out the door with tears in her eyes as I sunk down on the couch not knowing what I did wrong. Just a few minutes ago she kissed me like she meant it. I could still taste her sweet lips on mine making me feel all kinds of way. But why did she walk away on me? Why where there tears in her eyes? Did she regret it?

I paced back and forth in the studio trying to figure out a possible explanation to what just happened. It was currently 2 am yet I was as awake as a horse.

All I could think of was that amazing kiss with Ariana and her regret filled face exiting the studio. My mind was all over the place and I couldn't think straight.

I ran my eyes over her contact name , contemplating whether to call her or leave her alone. By the look on her face it seemed as if she didn't want to see me at all but I couldn't help but worry. She's an emotional wreck and an impulsive person so I couldn't help but think of all the negative things flooding my head.

When we kissed I thought finally I'd be able to open up about my feelings towards her but i guess I was wrong. It made things way more compliment.

As I made up my mind to return home my phone went off making me stop.

I looked at the contact name as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.


I picked up the call and held the phone to my ears.

" Um Dalton.... I can't find my shoes have you seen them? ", she slurred laughing like an idiot.

Oh no.. She's drunk.

" Ariana where are you? ", I asked panicking.

" At my house silly... But find me my shoe first. "

" Oh thank God. Is there anyone with you? ", I asked relieved. At least she's at home.

" Um no ....but dalton!!!I said find me my shoe first!!! ", she whined.

She's really drunk. Oh god.. What to do with this girl.

" Alright wait I'm coming. Just hold on ok. ", I said already on my way to her house.

" Mmm ok but you need to find me my shoes. "

I chuckled and said, " Alright. Just don't do something stupid. "

She hung up as I called an Uber cuz I didn't have my car with me.

As I was almost there, I realized something. I didn't have her house keys.

I mentally face palmed myself. Now how the fuck am I supposed to enter her house?

Suddenly an idea popped in my head. It was a stupid idea but worth a try.

I looked through my phone and opened Instagram. After a little searching I finally found Mikey's Instagram.I didn't exactly have his number so Instagram was my only hope. I'm sure he has a spare key to her house and can help me. Although I don't really like him as he so desperately wants to make me jealous by being extra touchy with Ariana in front of me but he is the only choice I have right now.

I stuffed my phone into my pocket as I got off the cab and paid the driver.

I stood in front of her mansion tapping my feet impatiently. Why is he taking so long to reply?

Twenty minutes had already passed since I've reached Ariana's mansion and I don't think I can wait anymore. I looked around hoping I'd get some other idea to get into her house because Mikey seemed to take centuries to reply to a God damn text.

Stuck with U (Daltiana)Where stories live. Discover now