What happened to i dont do shots?

841 26 233

Ariana's pov

" Can you at least tell me where we're going? ", dalton asked me for the hundredth time although he knew I wasn't gonna answer him.

" Nope. First of all its a surprise and second of all you didn't let me bring Tori so here's your punishment. ", I sassed taking a sudden sharp turn making Dalton almost bang his head on the window.

" You're already punishing me enough with the pussy diet thing. ", he whined.

I smiled at his words and turned up the radio as Midnight Sky by Miley started playing.

" Wow I really miss Miley. ", I said.

" Agreed. ", he replied as we both sang the song on top of our lungs not caring about how horrible our harmonies sounded.

" Damn we should never collaborate. It's gonna turn out to be horrible. ", Dalton joked making me chuckle.

" Totally. "


" Woahhh where is this place? ", he breathed looking around astonished by the beautiful surroundings.

Suddenly a young woman in her early thirties approached us and gave us a bow.

" Welcome to Amangiri Resort. Please follow me. ", she said courteously.

Dalton gave me a wide smile letting me know he's happy with his surprise. I couldn't help but blush as we both walked in the huge hotel.

We stopped at the reception where another young blonde woman stood with her eyes stuck to the phone's screen. The lady with our luggage nudged her slightly as she finally looked at us. A frown grew on my face as I saw her go all heart eyed for Dalton. I mean he's really handsome so I don't see why girls wouldn't be noticing him but I hoped she'd stick to her limits.

" Hi I'm Antonia. ", she said while twirling her hair and batting her eyelashes at him which made my blood boil.

" Um hi.. May we get our keys? ", Dalton asked obviously not interested in her flirts.

" Only if you give me your number.", she said trying too hard to sound sexy as I rolled my eyes at her desperate attempts.

Dalton looked kinda taken aback at her words.

When he didn't answer she turned her attention to me and gave me a bitchy face as I narrowed my eyes at her.

" Whatever. Here's your key.
Room 401. ", she rolled her eyes and said, finally handing us our key as we left for our room along with the lady with our luggage.

She took everything inside and left after we had thanked her.

" When did you do all this? ", he asked as soon as the woman left.

" To be honest this was on my mind for a long time but I couldn't find the right occasion.", I said.

" So what's the occasion now? ", he asked with a cocked eyebrow.

" You'll see. ", I winked taking off my jacket.

" Ok... ", he said giving me a suspicious look as I made my way towards the bathroom to freshen up.

After that we both took showers and settled ourselves to watch TV with room service lunch.

" How many days are we staying? ", he asked in the middle of a commercial break.

" Three, but if you want we can stay here forever babyboy ", I winked as he gave me a slight smirk.

" I'd totally love that. ", he whispered seductively and leaned in to kiss me but I pushed him away causing him to groan.

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