Is this what paradise feels like?

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Ariana's pov

" Oh my god.. How long do we have to climb? I'm exhausted. ", dalton said out of breath.

" You lazy son of a bitch, we just started. ", I laughed rolling my eyes and stopping to wait for Dalton who was way behind me.

We had decided to go hiking to the Deseret Peak which was one of the most prominent peaks tourists climb. We were supposed to have reached by now but Dalton was taking forever.

He finally came over to where I was as we began climbing together. It was very humid outside so we were both sweating a lot.

" I think we need a little break. ", I panted and sat down on the rocks as Dalton sat beside me.

" Pass me the water bottle. I'm thirsty. ", he said as I nodded, handing over the bottle which was inside my backpack.

After a few sips he passed it on to me. I drank down the liquid feeling my dried down throat get somewhat of a relief. I wasn't much of an outdoor adventurous girl but decided to change that as I realised how much there is to discover in the world.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't realize Dalton staring at me all this time.

" What? ", I blushed.

" Nothing. ", he laughed as though remembering something.

" Stop lying. I know you're thinking about something. ", I stated,placing a hand over his.

He thought for a while before answering.

" Do you remember anything from last night? ", he asked making me give it a thought.

" Um kinda.. I remember going to that club, then I beat up some blonde bitch... Then I guess we came to the hotel room.... ", I shrugged.

" Mhm ok. I think we should start climbing again. It's getting kinda chilly now. ", he said standing up on his feet and putting his hand forward for me to take.

" But what were you saying about last night? ", I asked confused but he  didn't answer and instead took my hand in his , pulling me up on the ground.

I hesitatingly stood up, keeping the questions I had at the back of my head.

The higher the altitude we climbed, the lower the temperature fell and the more I wanted to go back to the warm cozy hotel room but now that we had come so far, there was no way of going back.

Dalton was now the active climber between us as he walked a few metres ahead of me to the point I almost couldn't see him every time he went up an edge and I lagged behind.

I hugged my jacket closer to my body as wind blew through my tangled locks. I was almost on the verge of giving up. I was just so tired.

Suddenly I heard Dalton's voice call out my name from ahead of me although I couldn't see him.

" What? ", I shouted back at him.

" Hurry!! You need to see this. ", he said as I sighed and ran up the mountain.

I saw his back facing me as I ran the fastest I could , to join him.

I looked at him as he looked ahead with an awe filled expression.

Upon watching him I diverted my attention in front of me as I was taken aback by what lay beyond.

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