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Willow watched the young couple with a pang of jealousy. She wondered when she’d meet the guy for her; if that would even happen.
The girl kept making light touches and batting her eyes at the guy. It was obvious she was dying for him to return a touch. He’d give her a look every now and then which made Willow decide he was playing hard to get.
She chuckled to herself and took a sip of her cooled coffee. 
Willow was no stranger to the game. She enjoyed watching guys squirm until they were begging. But she had never given them what they wanted because, despite what her actions suggested, she hadn’t found the guy she was ready to be intimate with. No surprise since she hadn't had the desire to settle down.
She hadn't considered a serious relationship so far in her twenty-six years of life. It was a whole new feeling for her; almost scary. It had only been a few months ago that she'd started to feel that it was time to find her soulmate.
After a few more minutes of spying on the couple as they continued to flirt, her phone chimed, notifying her that she had a text from April, who claimed that she was on the way.
Willow typed okay and gathered her things. She left the coffee shop, shifting her bag on her shoulder, looking to her side to see if she could spot her friend.
“Hey, girl.” April came up behind her before sliding an arm across her shoulders. In a nonchalant tone, she added, “Sorry that it took so long. He didn’t take it too well.” 
“Did you really expect him to be okay with you dumping him?” Willow laughed a little and hip bumped April.
“It’s not like we were serious.” April shrugged as she tucked a strand of hair back. Between the two, they had dumped at least nine guys in the past four months. “He actually started to cry.” 
Willow rolled her eyes. “Gotta love a cry baby, right?” 
“It’s so hard not to laugh when they get all whimpery.” April hunched her shoulders up and raised her hands to her eyes, making a crying gesture.
Willow laughed, rolling her head in the opposite direction. It took her a second to register what she'd caught a glimpse of and whipped her head away just in time to see the most gorgeous guy. She stopped and started to turn so she could get a better look, but he was already gone.
April made a sound of annoyance as she stopped to see what Willow had been looking at. She gave up when she didn't see anything that interested her. “Come on.”
“Sorry.” Willow turned around and bounced up to April. “How much do you think we’ve missed?”
“Probably just the beginning of the previews, but we’re not going to have a lot of time to get snacks.” April looked at her watch and tried to pick up their pace. Willow was a speed walker and went a few feet ahead of her just to tease, causing April to whine and give a pouty face.
“Oh calm down. I’ve got us covered.” Willow opened the shoulder bag to show off the candies and soda bottles she’d brought.
“Why didn’t I think of that?” April gushed after seeing her favorites in the satchel. She reached out to claim a Mr. Goodbar.
“Because I’m the smart one. You’re the sexy one.” Willow winked and gained a smug smile from her friend.
“I’ll let you have that one. I am sexier.” She did a dramatic hair flip that was just goofy in her eyes but was alluring to the guys they passed.    
Willow yawned and decided to ignore the message she’d just gotten. She and April had met some guys at the theater and gone to a club with them after the movie. Exhaustion overwhelmed her.
She had fallen onto her bed, still dressed, and realized that she hadn’t turned off the lights. Feeling lazy and letting her eyes shut, she decided they could just stay on for tonight. Screw her electric bill.
Just as she started to drift off, her phone rang. She groaned and sent the caller to voicemail only for the device to ring again.
“What the crap?” She pushed herself up and grabbed the phone, checking the caller ID. “What do you want April?”
“What a pleasant greeting.” 
“I was almost asleep.” Her response had a biting tone 
“And now you’re wide awake. I think I may have my next guy lined up.” April giggled like a high school girl; way too peppy at three a.m.
“One of the guys from the movies? Come on April. You can do so much better than them.” Willow rolled her eyes. Sure, they’d been cute, but not worthy.
“Oh no. Are you crazy?” Willow had to hold the phone away since April’s voice had risen several octaves as she began to ramble about the new guy. “I met him on my way home. He was leaving Hoke’s and I almost knocked him down. Well, I just bumped into him and I almost fell back, because he is ripped.” 
Willow sat up and crossed her legs. April was excited, so this was going to be a hyper, one-sided conversation. If she wasn’t careful, she’d end up falling asleep and pissing her best friend off. She would never be allowed to forget it.
April went on for a few minutes about how hot this new guy was and that they had a date set up for Saturday night. And now Willow was expected to help with picking out the perfect date outfit.
“That’s awesome. I’m sure you’ll call me and let me know every detail.” 
“Of course.” April breezed over the sarcastic remark and continued to talk before Willow told her goodnight. At some point during April's monologue, she had grabbed a bottle of water, found a show to watch, and began nibbling on a leftover candy bar from the theater. 
Once Willow was able to hang up, she tucked her feet under her on the couch. She was prepared for her late-night since she would not be able to go back to sleep anytime soon.

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