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He tried to focus on the looming task ahead. His car was a true piece of crap and he hoped Raven wouldn't be judgmental. He just needed her to get in the car and then to the rail yard.

Her flight had been delayed three times and it was now nine in the morning. He yawned as he tried again to start the car. It roared to life and he began his drive to the airport, sipping at the energy drink he'd bought when she told him this time, she was on her way. Because of all the restrictions in place, she said that she would come out to him, make things easier.

He figured it would be busy enough that he would be lost in the crowd, although he had no intention of getting out of the car. The less visibility people or cameras had of him, the better. Plus, he didn't want to draw any attention to himself or Raven.

As he drove, visions of Willow kept popping into his head. Things had gotten too carried away. It had been several days now and he still chastised himself for his actions. Never had he gone that far with any of his victims. There was something about her and it was driving him nuts.

He hadn't wanted to go over there in the first place but had gone against his better judgment. There were so many emotions rushing through his head as she ground against him and touched him, let him touch her. The scariest one was that he had wanted to go further with her. She wanted it too, begging for it with those eyes.

But that wouldn't happen. It could never happen. He knew what she was and she wasn't going to change. Just because she made him think that she wanted their relationship to become physical didn't mean she would go through with it. That was all part of her playing guys; get them riled up and then leave them hanging.

Anger rose into his chest and he let out an aggravated groan. He slammed his hand against the steering wheel and rotated his neck until it cracked, some of the pent up stress leaving his body. Lifting the can to hip lips, he drained the rest of the contents.

Another thought replaced all the others. He was going to have to make up with her. And he had a feeling she was going to make it difficult since he hadn't talked to her since then. There was too much going on for him to concentrate on how he would fix things with Willow.

The airport signs brought him back to what he needed to focus on now. He followed the ones that would take him where he needed to go, pulling up to where he saw Raven walking.

She stopped and looked at him with disbelief when he honked the horn. After a second, she rolled her suitcase to the trunk and loaded it in.

"Hi." He beamed at her when she sat in the passenger seat with a heavy sigh.

"I thought you'd get a cab. What is this?" Disgust dripped from her words as she looked at the transportation he was providing for her.

"I figured I needed a car. So I got something to get around." He shrugged as if it were no big deal, giving her an excuse he felt would suffice. "Not everyone can afford luxury cars."

She melted a little at the charming look he flashed her but countered his remark. "I mean, you could have found something better than a rust bucket."

He chuckled a little as he moved in to plant a kiss on her cheek, playing it off that she wasn't already grating his nerves. If he was being honest, he hadn't expected her to be thrilled with the vehicle he'd stolen.

She gave him a sweet smile and turned to watch as he left the airport. Once he'd merged onto the freeway, she shifted, exposing more of her neck.

It's now or never.

He'd prepared the syringe and had it ready before leaving his place, tucking it in his shirt pocket. Grasping it now, he popped off the cap, ensured she wasn't paying attention, and jammed the needle into her soft flesh.

She jerked and let out a squeak of pain as she turned to look at him. But she slumped against the window and was out cold in seconds, appearing to any on-lookers that she was sleeping.


He watched her struggle against the ropes, chafing her skin. He watched as glistening beads of sweat rolled down her face, her chest and dripped to her lap. He watched from the dark corner he stood in and let her struggle and cry.

Her pretty face was contorted into one of confusion and anger. The ugliness in her heart rearing to be let loose.

He knew she'd be one of the tough ones. She wasn't going to go without a fight. That's why he opted to tie her to a chair where he could keep her legs in place instead of performing strappado as he'd wanted to. Breaking her ankles did seem fun, but there was something he felt she was more deserving of and it would be easier to administer if she were sitting.

Her moans of frustration and pain, the way she moved against her restraints only proved his point. She tried to stand; despite the fact that rope was tied around her ankles, waist, and wrists. He even put a dog training collar around her neck. She could look around, but if she tried to lean forward, the barbs would dig in. And she'd done so a few times already.

"Whoever you are, you're twisted." Raven screamed in fury. She looked all around her in vain. "What the hell is going on? Why is this happening? Why am I naked?"

Of course she questioned her nudeness. That was no surprise. They always did. It was also no surprise that she didn't remember he was the one that was putting her through this; a convenient side effect of the date rape drug was amnesia. He couldn't help the chuckle that escaped.

She heard this and whipped her head where he hid in the darkness. "You like to watch?" Her voice dripped with venom.

He let her continue to scream insults at him and struggle against her bindings. Most of them were kept blindfolded, but a select few were chosen to go without. The fire in her eyes was what he wanted to see, but not more than seeing it die away. He knew he planned on killing her instead of leaving her to die the way he preferred. There was no denying that he didn't plan on torturing her over a span of time. For one, he just knew that she was going to piss him off to where he wouldn't be able to control his actions. For two, there was still another woman to get rid of so time was precious.

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