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The beer had been a huge mistake. 
While he had liked the feeling of power in those kisses he’d had with Raven, he did not like waking up to the pounding in his head. Or the waves of nausea that came over him even with the slightest movements.

It had taken him most of the day to get rid of the headache but the nausea continued to plague him. He had only felt this way one other time. And that was when he had sworn off drinking altogether. His intentions were to make these women want to be dead; not make himself feel that way. Plus, the alcohol messed with his ability to stay focused.           

Once he felt somewhat closer to his normal self, he decided to get Raven's place situated. Her time would come soon. 

He moved like a turtle as he dressed and gathered his tools together. Half way out the door, he had to stop and rush to the bathroom.

After spewing the contents of his stomach into the toilet, he decided it might be best to just rest. Leaving everything where he’d dropped it, he crawled onto his fold out bed and cursed himself for being so stupid. Because of his recklessness, he was losing a day to prepare things for Raven.

It was about an hour later that he woke up, feeling a little better. He decided to try again and made it out the door this time. 

The rail yard was as loud as ever, yet void of any people anywhere near the building. He slipped inside and made his way to the room where Raven would receive her punishment. After walking around the space a few times, he decided to go ahead and get a hook in place. He liked the idea of dislocating her shoulders as her body weight beared down on them, causing her more pain. If she could still stand, and he had a feeling she'd be able to, he could break her legs or ankles too.

He stood on a small fold out stepping stool and drilled a hole through the exposed metal beam in the ceiling. Once finished, he took an eye hook and some chains out of his bag. Looping the chain through the hole he’d just drilled, he connected the ends with a thick nut and bolt, the eye hook suspended from it. To ensure nothing would come apart, he pulled out his welder gun and went to work.

There was a set of battery operated lights that he had left at his place. He would bring them by another time and situate them around the area she would hang from. While the lights served no purpose for the women since most of the time they were blindfolded, he liked putting a spotlight on them. Besides, if he did decide to leave the blindfold off of Raven, he could hide in the shadows until he was ready to reveal himself.

Once he was satisfied with what he’d done and made mental notes of the last few things he wanted to accomplish there, he decided to go see what dear Willow was up to.
He didn't expect her to go to that bar, the one he’d met Raven outside of. But when he’d gotten to his watch point, he saw her getting ready to go out and then followed her just to see her go in. He brooded from his hiding spot and waited. It wasn't until the bar was closing when she emerged with a man, giggling and stroking a hand up and down his arm. The way they looked at one another, he knew they were flirting. Her smiles and body language were enough to tell him that she had ensured her place in that basement. A vision of her hanging naked came to light.
It didn't surprise him. He knew she wouldn't stay away from her normal taunting ways for long. He had started wondering why she seemed to stop and it crossed his mind that maybe she was going to change. But her walking out with that man just proved that she couldn't. She wouldn't. And that's why he had to take care of her.

Disgusted with what he'd just watched, he turned his back and left, missing her throwing the business card away before she went home.

Fueled by her actions, he decided to go ahead and finish off Raven's rail yard home. He went to his place to retrieve the lights and put together a bag of tools for torture. There were two things he was sure he wanted to do to her. The rest were maybe items, things he had enjoyed in the past and felt she deserved the outcome from those tools.

His mind raced once again, with all the different things he could do. This was part of the excitement for him. He enjoyed deciding just what punishment each woman would endure. Sometimes, he found that he didn't quite get the pleasure he'd hoped for. But that just meant he got to try something else. Some of his favorite times were when he tried out new forms of torture. The exhiliration of the outcome, of the execution always made him a little giddy.

Once there, he set the lights where he wanted them. He stood one of the filing cabinets up, grateful it was a shorter one. Here he laid his bag of torture tools. Testing the lights, he decided to move closer to the wall. The filing cabinet made a loud grinding sound as he pulled it back and postioned it where he wanted it.

Looking around, he knew he wasn't going to drag that filing cabinet away from the wall and closer to his victim once he did make his appearance. He found another one close by and positioned it close to the center of the lights.

Feeling that he'd accomplished something, despite his sickness earlier in the day, he stood back to admire his handiwork, ready for the day that he would give Raven the punishment that she had coming.

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