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"Why are you so happy?" Sam’s ear to ear grin was contagious and she felt one spreading across her own face.
"I'm just excited. I can't wait to have you all to myself for the weekend." He reached over for her hand.
She blushed as he lifted it to his mouth and brushed his lips across her knuckles. In her heart, she hoped their relationship was going to reach the next level. She wasn’t sure when she’d decided on it, but now she knew for sure.
Their morning started early, before the sun had risen. To get a boost, Sam brought along strong coffee. Bailey packed their sacks with trail mix and granola bars, water bottles, and a first aid kit. They had been driving for an hour and a half and still had the same amount of time left to go before they reached Amicalola Falls State Park. 
Sam was excited about taking her hiking even though he'd never expressed a desire to go before. They were going to stay in a cabin at the top of the falls for the night. 
As they got closer to their destination, Bailey gazed out her window to see the countryside flash by. "It's so gorgeous." She breathed.
"It is." 
Every so often, Sam reached out to his phone to skip a song or replay one that they both enjoyed. Bailey decided to take over the Playlist after a while and chose the early 90's hits.
Sam made no argument; he sang along with several of them, even boy bands and The Spice Girls. 
Once they got to the park, he chose one of the many empty parking spots near the office. "Do you want to come with me?"
"Sure." Bailey jumped out of the truck before he could make his way to her. She slid her arm through his and they made their way to the small building.
"Mornin'." A middle-aged woman trilled as she straightened various objects on the long counter in front of her. "What can I do for ya?" 
"I need to check-in." Sam leaned against the counter, his hands folded together in front of him.
"Sure. Name?" The woman poised her fingers over the keyboard to the computer.
Sam went through the process of getting checked in while Bailey walked around to look at the gift shop. She found a keychain she wanted to get for Sasha and made a mental note to buy it when they left. 
"Ready?" Sam placed a hand on the small of her back.
"Yeah." Bailey nodded and allowed him to guide her back to the truck.
"Let's go drop our stuff off and get ready to hike."
"Sounds good. But I hope we won't be cold."
"Once we get moving, we'll be warm. And if that doesn't work, I'll take care of you." He winked at her, sending shivers of fire down her body.
They got to their cabin, but it took several minutes for Bailey to make it inside. She was absorbed in the scenery. Despite the leafless trees, the natural beauty of the woods around them was breathtaking. 
Once Sam managed to get her inside, she tossed her things down, grabbed her phone, and waited for him.
"Not to sound like a dad, but don't you want to use the restroom before we go?"
She shrugged and walked past him to the bathroom. "Guess I had better. Pretty sure they won't like me peeing on the trees." 
They decided to take one of the trails that would take them by the top of the falls and connect to the approach for the Appalachian Trail. 
Their hike was quiet except for their exclamations about how beautiful it was. Bailey snapped tons of pictures and realized that she and Sam had never taken any together. 
"What's wrong?" Sam noticed her frown and stopped with his hand on her shoulder.
"We don't have any pictures together."
Sam scowled.
"We've been together for a little over six months now. How have we never taken any pictures together?" She was starting to get upset and felt like he was going to say she was overreacting. 
Sam shrugged as his expression cleared to one of interest. "I don't like taking pictures. I'm sorry I didn't think about what you wanted though." 
Bailey frowned at him and twitched her wrist, making the phone more visible to him.
"Come here." He grabbed her by the elbow and tugged her close to him. "I'd be honored to take a selfie with you." He leaned down, his forehead against hers, and looked into her eyes.
She perked up a little. "You sure?"
"Of course." Sam lowered his face more and kissed her.
Bailey guessed where to aim the phone and took the selfie. But Sam didn't end the kiss right away.
When they pulled away, Bailey checked her work and was satisfied. They walked hand in hand for a while before Bailey went back to taking pictures of everything she could.
They didn't know where the trail would lead them and they didn't care. But when their stomachs began to grumble, they munched on the granola bars and sipped their waters.
After a few hours, they ended up on the backside of the visitor's center. They took a break and enjoyed sitting near the reflection pool. Bailey took pictures and they talked. She managed to get Sam to take another selfie. He angled his face against hers with the resulting image of him nuzzling against her. 
Bailey liked the picture and started making plans to print it out and frame it.
"Ready to start the trek up?" Sam stood and stretched.
"Sure." Bailey nodded and followed his lead. 
They took a leisurely pace for the first half and then began the intense climb to the bridge that crossed over a lower section of the falls. Several other people were staring up at the water as it cascaded down the rocky mountainside. 
Bailey began taking pictures from every angle she could manage and then settled next to Sam as he leaned against the guardrail. He smiled at her and looked toward the falls.
The sound of the rushing water was calming and the scenery created a serene atmosphere. Bailey snuggled against Sam and kept her gaze on the waterfall. 
"I love you." Sam said the words so softly, they were almost drowned out by the water.
"I love you too." 
"I know we haven't been together for too long, but I'm incredibly happy with you. I never thought I would get the chance for that, especially not love."
Bailey pulled away a little to look into his eyes. She felt her heart swell as he spoke. She watched his eyes begin to tear up and he struggled to breathe in a steady cadence. 
"You are everything to me. I will do anything for you and try my hardest to make you happy."
Bailey's eyes began to water and she sniffled. It wasn't until he knelt on one knee that she realized he wasn't just professing his feelings for her; he was proposing. "Oh my!"
"Bailey, please say you'll be my wife." Apprehension was clear across his face as he continued to struggle to control his breathing. His hands shook, making it difficult to open the box and display a white gold oval-shaped morganite engagement ring with a tiny diamond on each side. 
Bailey didn't even look at the ring. She kept her eyes on his and could only nod. After a few sobs, she managed to squeak out a "yes".
Sam jumped up and pulled her against him. They shared their first kiss as an engaged couple to the applause of the onlookers. 
"Let me put your ring on." Sam backed away and pulled the ring out of the box. He slid it on her finger and frowned. "Too big."
"It's perfect." Bailey cried out, admiring the jewelry. "We'll just go get it resized."
"Until then, maybe we should put it back in the box so it doesn't get lost." Sam reached out to take the ring, but Bailey jerked her hand back, clenching it into a fist.
"I can wear it on a different finger." She argued as she moved it to her index finger. "See. It'll be fine."
He beamed at her and leaned in for another kiss. Bailey obliged, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Would you like a picture?" An older man asked after congratulating them.
"Yes!" Bailey slid her arm around Sam's waist and gave the man a radiant smile. He took her phone from her outstretched hand.
Sam shifted to put his face close to hers, but she stopped him. "I want to see your expression in this picture. We just got engaged!"
He nodded and stood straight, holding her as close to his side as he could.
"Beautiful." The man said as he handed the phone back to Bailey. "I wish you two the best."
"Thank you so much!" Bailey's excitement was palpable and caused many of the other hikers to look at their significant others with a spark in their eyes.
They spent a few more minutes on the bridge before they continued their trek to the top. Bailey gushed at how breathtaking the view was. They spent a few minutes cuddling and discussing possible venues for their nuptials.
"We could get married here." Sam suggested.
"That would be so amazing." She gushed and allowed him to lead her in the direction of their cabin.
Once there, Bailey began to strip on her way to the bathroom. She started the water, oblivious that Sam followed her in.
His cold hands made her jump, but she relaxed against him, feeling his naked skin against hers. She smiled in content, enjoying the feeling of him against her.
She rolled her head to the side, exposing her neck as his lips traveled from her cheekbone, down. Goosebumps prickled down her arms and she let out a low moan.
Sam continued kissing her neck, crossing along her shoulders, coming to the other side. Bailey closed her eyes as she enjoyed his touch.
His hands moved over her hips and up her stomach, heading for her chest. Bailey arched her back, enough to push her backside into his front.
The noise Sam emitted let her know he liked it. 
"Let's get in the shower." Bailey's voice was filled with lust. But Sam was already stepping in, pulling her with him.
They washed each other in between kisses and touches. Bailey wasn't sure if she could wait any longer. But Sam had amazing self-control and made her.
Once they were dried off, he hooked an arm around her knees and the other under her arms. His kiss demanded her reciprocation. He carried her to the bed, laying her down with ease.
Sam trailed his fingers across her skin, his lips never leaving hers. Bailey twirled her fingers in his damp hair, trying to be patient. But she had never been so ready and willing.
But Sam continued to take his time. When he pulled away, Bailey was scared he'd changed his mind. She propped herself onto her elbows and watched him reach into his overnight bag. He returned to her with a square pack that made Bailey blush. She was now thankful he had taken his time.
Once he was covered, he went back to kissing and touching her and she let her hands roam over his body. Before she knew it, he was ready.

Bailey woke up feeling sore in the best way imaginable. She rolled over to realize that Sam wasn't sleeping next to her. She sat up and looked around. His bag was still there, but it was obvious he had gotten dressed and went somewhere. 
She eased out of the bed and began to pull warm clothes on. Memories of the way he'd felt on her, in her, made her blush. But she couldn't contain the smile that spread across her face.
Bailey grabbed the trail mix and took a handful, starving. They had skipped dinner to stay in bed all night.
After a few minutes, the door opened and Sam walked in with a bag. "Good morning." He wore a large grin that got bigger as she smiled back at him.
"Mmm. Smells great." Bailey took a deep breath and followed him to the small table.
They ate breakfast before cleaning up the cabin and putting their bags into the truck.
"I wish we could stay longer. An overnight trip just isn't enough." Bailey sighed as she put her seat belt on.
"Same." Sam nodded his agreement. 
Once they were checked out and back on the road, Bailey started sending her pictures to Sasha. She was trying hard not to call her. But she wanted to announce her engagement in person.

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