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"He's…sexy…as…hell." Willow gushed, blushing at just the mention of Phillip. She couldn't help the large smile that spread across her face or stop herself from lifting her free hand to cup her cheek.
"What are you doing?" Annoyance took over her happiness at April's lack of response. It was as if all of the giddiness she had just felt vanished into thin air.
"Unpacking. This place is amazing." There was her excitement. April had stolen it because that’s what always happened when things were focused on herself. 

For once, Willow would have liked to be the center of attention in their friendship and have the excitement directed toward her. Not willing to fight for it, she decided to end the conversation. Her voice was flat as she rolled her eyes. "Cool. I guess I'll let you get to it."           

"What's your deal?" Willow could imagine April tossing a shirt down with a sneer, prop a balled fist on a hip, and cock her head. Her tone suggested she at least had a nasty expression. 
"You seem like you're a little preoccupied. So, unpack. I'll talk to you later." Willow ended the call before April could get a word in, tossing her phone on the couch. A small feeling of victory burned in her chest. It wasn’t often anyone hung up on April or got the last word.

The display on her phone lit up as the alarm she’d set went off. It was time to get ready.
Tonight was her first official date with Phillip. The excitement she’d felt before returned as she rushed into her bedroom to debate on what she was going to wear. 

She went with dressy-casual, even though she began to fret that he would think she was overdressed. Without thinking, she ran back into the living room to retrieve her phone and almost called April before remembering that she was mad at her and wasn't going to talk to her for at least twenty four hours.
Deciding she was more dressy than casual, she went back to her room, phone in hand. Just a few minutes after she had changed from the short skirt to her favorite dress pants, her phone started ringing. Snatching the device from the bed, she opened the text to see that April had sent her several rows of teary-eyed emojis.
Willow knew she was going to give in. But for now, she was going to focus on her night with Phillip and enjoy herself. Before she went back to checking her outfit, she blocked April. As she looked at the ensemble from different angles in her full length mirror, she decided the pants were perfect with a pair of flats.
Ten minutes later, she heard a knock on the door. Her heart fluttered as she pursed her lips. Here goes nothing. She left the bedroom, grabbing her purse on the way to the door.
"Hi." She tried to sound normal, but the word came out breathy and she was sure her face was flushed.
"Hi." He didn't seem to notice that she was nervous. He stepped back to allow her space as she came out. "You look nice."
Willow felt her face burn more and scolded herself. Calm down. Jeez.
Phillip gave her a warm smile as they waited for the elevator. "This building is beautiful. It's on the historic registry, isn't it?"
Willow was amazed he would know that fact. She had found the information fascinating when she looked at the apartment. "Yeah. It’s modernized, of course, but they kept as much of the original charm as possible."

“Figures you’d find a place like this.”

“Yeah. I have to admit that it’s pretty much why I picked it.”
Once they reached the sidewalk, Phillip tweaked her chin before stepping to the curb to hail a cab. Willow knew she was blushing again, but decided there was no hiding it. She'd already grinned like a doofus, forgotten how to speak, and blushed redder than a tomato so many times with him, he had to think it was normal of her.
Phillip held her door open and then crawled in beside her. He told the driver to take them to the movie theater as he slid an arm across the back of her seat, his hand grazing her shoulder. Striking up the conversation, Willow began with other fascinating buildings in the city that he might be interested in seeing.

“Will you be my guide?” His smile was full of charm.

“Of course.” 

Once they reached the theater, Phillip got out and offered a hand to help her.
Willow took his hand, never taking her eyes off of him. It began to feel intense, so she ripped her gaze away and focused on straightening out her shirt, readjusting her purse strap, and gathering her hair before dropping it all over her left shoulder.
Phillip kept his eyes on her as she did all of this. Seeing the way he looked at her made her feel a little self-conscious. She didn't like feeling like that; she'd never felt that way around anyone before.
Instead of dwelling on it, she shrugged it off and followed Phillip to the entrance. He led her to the ticket booth and asked her what she wanted to see.
After scanning the choices, Willow picked a dramedy that had looked appealing when she'd seen previews for it. She watched him hand the cashier money, wondering if he really could read minds.
"There you go again." She grinned at him in amazement. 
"What?" He now seemed amused.
"Did you know I'd pick that movie?" They were standing in the concession line, Phillip looking up at the flashing menu board while she looked at him.
"Why do you ask that?"
"The timing. You gave me the choice to pick the movie and it was either that one or a sci-fi if we didn't  want to wait for the next romance."
Phillip shrugged, looking down at her. He had a smug smile. "Maybe I just wanted to see the sci-fi and you chose wrong."

"Shut up." Willow rolled her eyes, giving him a light slap on the arm.

“What do you have against sci-fi?” The sly smile he gave her made it clear that he was teasing.

“Nothing at all. It just isn’t my first pick.” 

“Lucky for you, I don’t like sci-fi.” 

She giggled and leaned into him as he stepped up to the counter.
Once they purchased their snacks, they made their way to the designated auditorium, small talk providing temporary entertainment until the movie started.
Several times, they bumped hands as they both reached for popcorn. Each time, they whispered sorry, but he always had a smirk.

When the lights lowered and the previews flickered onto the massive screen, Willow opened her bag of M&Ms and popped a few into her mouth. She grabbed a small handful of popcorn to chase the candy.

“Hmm.” He chuckled as he watched her.


“Chocolate and popcorn together? I mean, at the same time?”

“Yeah. You should try it.” As she made the suggestion, she was already shaking the bag, releasing candy into the palm of his hand. 

He stared at the multi-colored shells before looking at her.

“Here.” She tilted the popcorn bag toward him, waiting for him to try her concoction.

After shrugging, he grabbed some popcorn in his other hand. All at once, he shoved the food into his mouth, gaining a laugh from her and several annoyed shushes from around them. 


“Absuwutwy.” He managed to get out with his mouth full.

They turned their attention to the screen once the movie began, sneaking peeks at one another and grazing each other's hands every once in a while. 
"What'd ya think?" Phillip prodded as they walked out of the theater.
"It was good. I enjoyed it a lot." Willow nodded her head in approval. "What about you?"
"I still think you chose wrong." He gave her a look of indifference.
"You shouldn't have let me choose then." Willow stuck her tongue out at him and gained a chuckle. 
"Sure. Something light though. I ate too much popcorn."
"Same here. It’s your fault" He patted his stomach for emphasis.

“My fault?”

“Yeah. You should have never showed me that mix of yours.”

She laughed and rolled her eyes. “I’m sure I’m not the only person to ever think of that.”

“Probably not, but you’re the one that introduced me to it, so it’s your fault.”

She laughed again and gave him a playful shove. "How about this little cafe like two blocks away? We can walk and burn off all that popcorn and chocolate."
"Sounds good. What kind of food do they have? Delicate pastries?" Phillip had a teasing tone that Willow was now familiar with. She found that she enjoyed it.
"Yes. But they also have salads and light sandwiches." 
"Okay. I'm following you."
Willow decided to take a chance and slipped her hand into his.
Phillip gave her hand a slight squeeze as they made their way to her cafe.

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