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Willow glanced at her silent cell phone for the thousandth time that day. She didn't want to admit that she was waiting for Phillip to call or text, but she was. Trying to keep her mind on work, she shoved her phone into the desk drawer.

It had occurred to her that she could always text or call him herself, but she wasn’t trying to lead him on or tease him. Something about their date had made her feel like there was some potential there.

With the phone out of sight, she managed to focus on the extra work she'd been given, even missing lunch. Her stomach grumbled at the end of the day as she grabbed her purse and retrieved the device from the drawer which prompted her thoughts to drift to Phillip again.

By the time she reached the exit to the building, she had given in and dialed Phillip's number, ready to hear his voice. And she heard it, just not the way she wanted.

Hey. I can't answer the phone right now. Just leave your name and number and a brief message. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

"Just wanted to see if you had any plans for tonight." Willow tried to make her voice sound upbeat instead of deflated.

Dejected, she decided to just walk home. Maybe the exercise would help clear her mind as well as postpone the inevitable night of just pining over Phillip. Halfway there, her phone started ringing. 

Willow grabbed the device to see that it was April. She frowned, upset that it wasn't who she wanted to hear from and because as of right now, it was six in the morning in Beijing. "Hey?"

"Good morning." It was clear that April was yawning as she spoke.

"Everything good?" Willow couldn't help but worry that something bad had happened. 

"Yeah. Why?" 

The breath Willow was holding came out in a long woosh. "Why aren't you in bed?"

"Couldn't sleep. And you didn't call me after your date."

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry." Willow felt a little uplifted that April was asking. She told her how things had gone, feeling a tingle of gratitude toward her friend. 

"Sounds like you had a great time. Do you think he might be 'the one'?" Willow stifled a snort as she pictured April using air quotes as she asked.

"I did have a great time. And I can see the potential. But I mean, we went on one date and he hasn't called or sent me a text today." She cringed, not meaning to reveal the last part.

"Whoa. Seriously?" 

"Yeah." Willow pursed her lips into tight, thin lines.

"Did you try to call him?"

"Of course." There was no sense in denying it. April would find out somehow.

"And he didn't answer?"


"You should have just waited for him to call you." 

"Gee. I don't know how much more my ego can take."

"Don't roll your eyes at me."

Willow couldn't help the chuckle that escaped. Only April could call her out without seeing her. She did decide to point out that April had been in her same predicament not too long ago. "I seem to recall a certain somebody being wound up about Jeff." 

"He did eventually call me though. I would have preferred he got to it sooner than he did, but whatever."

They were silent for a minute as Willow contemplated this. She began to worry that she had just made herself appear desperate.

"He's going to call you. Don't worry." April's voice was stern which gave Willow a little boost of expectation.

"I hope."

"Jeff called me."

Well, her support was nice while it lasted.

For the next ten minutes,  Willow listened to everything April had been dying to tell her. It wasn't hard to sound interested in what April said; Beijing sounded amazing and she'd live vicariously through the pictures April was sure to take. She was nodding her head and throwing in a "yeah" or "uh-huh" when she let herself into her apartment building. 

"Crap. I gotta go." April announced, a crash sounding on her end followed by a couple of swear words.

Willow winced as she got her goodbye in before being disconnected. She rolled her eyes and tossed everything onto the couch. Debating on if she wanted to wait to find out if Phillip would return her call or if she wanted to have an early dinner, she flopped onto the couch, letting her head fall against the back.

The slight hum from the refrigerator, the muffled sound of the city she loved, all drowned away the anxiety she hadn't realized she was feeling. Her body relaxed and she wanted to stay there for the rest of the night. Screw food and screw Phillip.

If he was playing hard to get, he didn't know who he was dealing with. All of her relaxed muscles tightened as she thought of him. Guys never left her hanging. Why was he so different? Why did he make her feel these intense emotions? Why did this bother her so much? 

Aggravated, she heaved herself off of the couch and strode into her bedroom. She undressed, leaving everything in a trail as she made her way into the bathroom.

While the tub filled with steamy water, Willow poured in a generous amount of her favorite lavender chamomile bubble bath. She couldn't wait to get in, the smell already working its magic. Deciding this relaxing bath needed some wine, she let the tub fill and strode through the apartment in the buff. With a glass full of wine, and the determination to let it all go, she made her way back to find that her bubble bath was extra foamy and called her name.

She laid in the luxury bath, sipping her alcoholic beverage, until the water turned cold. Even then, she debated on just staying there. But goosebumps made the decision for her. As she dried off, she almost lost her balance and her stomach began to grumble again, reminding her that she hadn't been serious about not eating.

There wasn't much in her refrigerator or pantry and she felt too relaxed and tipsy to even consider going out. So she ordered a pizza.

Not wanting to be put into a bad mood for the umpteenth time that day, Willow turned her phone off. She browsed her skimpy selection of books, already sure which one she was going to pick. Until the pizza came, she busied herself with a murder mystery she'd read at least ten times.  She couldn't help herself. It was her favorite.

When her pizza arrived, she gave the freckled teen girl a generous tip. The aroma was mouthwatering and Willow couldn't wait to sit down to eat. She popped open the box and with careful fingers, lifted a slice to her mouth. 

"" She breathed as the sauce burned her tongue. 

With her book, her pizza, and a can of soda, Willow sat on her miniature balcony to enjoy the night. Screw everyone else.

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