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“You're not being very helpful, you know. What's the point in having a best friend if she isn't going to do her job?” April whined, turning from side to side to inspect herself. She had brought an outfit over to get Willow's opinion, which was pointless since she wasn't allowing her to get a word in.
Willow knew April just wanted attention and she’d continue to take jabs until she got what she wanted, but she had to admit that April had never cared so much about what outfit she would wear for a date. It never mattered since she could pull off anything. She could be dressed in the raggediest rags and look amazing.
She scrutinized the clothing April was modeling and decided it would be perfect despite having no clue who the guy was or what he was into. The clothing accentuated April's shape very well, in all the right places. Any red-blooded man would go crazy for her.

The tight-fitting shirt cut low in the front to showcase her generous amount of cleavage. Navy blue skinny pants helped show off her hourglass figure, followed by stiletto heels in the same shade as the pants. 
“Lookin’ hot.” Willow said in a mock catcall as she wiggled her eyebrows. She even pursed her lips to whistle.

“I think I agree.” April beamed at herself. "How should I do my hair?"

Willow lifted her hand and spread her fingers along her jawbone in an effort to mimic thoughtful thinking. "Hmmm...maybe just leave it down to flow. You know your hair is one of your best features." 

April shrugged as she considered the advice. After a few seconds, without looking away from the mirror, she asked Willow if she had any plans for the night.
It took her a moment to respond as she considered her answer, her movements unhurried. She sat up on the bed, crossing her legs as if she were getting ready for carpet time in elementary school. She tried to avoid April's eyes but didn't expect to be able to do it for long. "Probably just lay around, stuff my face, and watch cheesy movies.”           

“Why?” April made a confused face as she continued to check herself out. She made a duck face and gained a chuckle from Willow.
“I dunno. I guess I just want...a break, maybe.” It sounded more like a question and Willow prepared herself for her best friend to start drilling her.
April stopped admiring herself and turned around, a glimmer of something Willow couldn’t explain in her eyes. She had a minuscule hope that maybe April would understand and let it go, even though she knew better.
“A break from what?” 
“It might be nice to not have to worry about a guy for a little while.” 
“Worry? About a guy?” April made a noise that sounded like a snort and a chuckle. “Honey, they do the worrying. Not us.”
“Maybe just for me to relax.” Willow realized that she sounded like she was looking for excuses now.
“Relax from what? They're the ones that need to relax. Especially after going out with us.”
Willow gave her a forced smile. "I guess."
They were silent for a few minutes before Willow mentioned giving one of the guys from the movies a call in a day or two. She had her eyes focused on a loose string coming out of the comforter before reaching out to fiddle with it.
“You have plenty of time to settle down. Enjoy being the sexy vixen you are.” April sat down and leaned toward Willow to force her friend to look at her. She gave her a wink and a gentle hand brush. “And maybe the theater guys would be a nice break.”
Willow didn't want to waste her energy trying to explain to April that she didn't want to run around, stringing any guys along anymore. What she wanted was to go on serious dates and find “the one”. But she didn’t know what else to say. She didn’t know what it would take to get her best friend to understand.
“You know what? I'm gonna just relax with you tonight. Let's stuff our faces and watch your cheesy movies.” April saved her from trying to explain it for the moment.
“You're willing to give up your night of date planning for me?” Willow gave April a phony look of surprise.
“Yeah. And hate you all night because you can eat whatever you want and not gain an ounce.” April poked Willow in the waist and laughed.
“What can I say? It's a curse I must bear.” Willow feigned a miserable look before the two burst into laughter.

They were sitting on Willow's bed, legs crisscrossing the others, backs against the headboard. Willow was comfortable and felt content as she popped a few pieces of popcorn into her mouth, followed with a chunk of chocolate.
April made a sound of disgust and uttered a remark of hate which just gained her a laugh from Willow. “While you get to continue to stuff your face, I’ll have to go to the gym or something.” 
Willow just shrugged and continued to eat. It was one of the few times April couldn't boast about this or that. The woman wasn’t exaggerating about how hard she had to work to keep her figure.

She had to admit that she was enjoying the evening. The two had never had a slumber party together, despite the fact that they'd been friends since elementary school. Wondering why they had never done this before, she snuck a glance at her best friend. While she had spent the night with several friends, April had always declined their offers. So she'd never asked or suggested they have one of their own.
This was just one of the many times that Willow questioned her friendship with April. It wasn't that she felt that they weren't best friends. She loved April to death. But they didn't do things like other best friends. 
After a few minutes, she decided to let it go. There was never an answer anyway. Who cares? If we're happy, that's all that matters. Peeking at April, she tried to be sneaky as she grabbed some more popcorn and chocolate.
“I see you.” April’s tone was as if she were a mother giving her child a warning. 
Willow giggled and focused back on the movie. It was a love story that made her want to choke the main characters. “Why can't they just say exactly what they mean? They're so vague.”
“They gotta draw it out somehow.” April shrugged, eyed the popcorn and chocolate, and caved. She grabbed a handful and began shoveling it into her mouth. “Gotta get you so frustrated with them so that when they finally do just come out with it, you're relieved.” 
“Well, it just makes it unbearable. Maybe I should have picked horror or comedy. Even action would have been a better choice.” A slight sneer spread over Willow's face.
“Yeah. You definitely picked the cheesiest of the cheesy.” 
Willow snorted and threw a piece of popcorn at April's head. She missed and the food landed on her chest instead, prompting her to pick it up and pop it into her mouth. “I still have some, but thanks.”           

They teased each other and finished the movie before deciding to go with a drama next, done with the cheesy romance genre.

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