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He was taken by surprise to read the text Bailey sent him inviting him to go back to that cookng studio he’d taken her to. He hadn’t expected her to want to go back so soon. While he’d known that she had enjoyed the night, he thought it would be an experience she’d want to wait to repeat, savor their first time a little longer. But he didn’t dare argue. He wanted to see her, wanted to get things as close to their regular pattern as he could.

They agreed that he’d pick her up at the same time. He had plenty of time to spare, but he wasn’t sure what to do with himself.

As far as Bailey knew, his projects were related to research articles he wrote for Iota Journals. It wasn’t a complete lie. He had written several pieces and had the proof available. But it had been some time since he’d worked on writing anything or even did any research. Maybe it was time he got back into the game. 

He wasn’t sure he’d be able to work for Iota Journals again, but he could reach out. And if it didn’t work out, there were other magazines he could try to go to work for.

He smiled as he thought about this. If it hadn’t been for Bailey, he wouldn’t be considering this. And it felt better than he’d expected it to.

So the next few hours, he spent his time speaking to several people at Iota Journals with the offer to come back on as a freelance writer. He had been a favorite of the editor who had retired years ago, so it was more of a favor to him that they even made him any kind of offer. He reached out to a few others, but each publication wasn’t looking for new authors. 

He set to work on the effect of paleo dieting. He focused on his work and found several studies regarding the topic. He found it interesting that there were whole studies that contributed to the paleo diet being the actual way of eating for prehistoric ancestors.

Once he got to a comfortable stopping point, he organized his work and went to get ready. He showered, dressed, and headed out. Bailey responded to his text that she’d be ready for him. He smiled, knowing she wouldn’t be, but that was always her response. And if he was being honest, he had quite enjoyed her greeting him in nothing but a towel.

This time, she surprised him by opening the door before he even knocked, fully clothed in a form fitting flannel shirt and blue jeans. “Hey.” She beamed at him, pulling the door closed behind her.

He was a little taken aback, but returned the smile and offered her his arm.

She took it and went through the same motions as before. He helped her into the truck and she spent the trip watching the scenery.

He told her about his newest research, gaining a few sounds of understanding and an occasional question now and then. 

They worked at the same station as before, with more couples that knew each other. This time, the instructor gave them both kudos for their delicious creations and challenged Bailey with making baked Alaska. 

“Mmm. Absolutely delicious.” He said with a mouth full of the dessert. 

Bailey nodded in agreement as she chewed her spoonful. “I might need to add this to my menu.”

“Definitely. It’d be a great seller.” He wiped the corners of his mouth and leaned down, placing his lips against her ice cream chilled ones.

She gave him a small moan as she leaned into him, the odd guard he’d felt she had up now gone.

He slid his arms around her and they held the kiss until someone cleared their throat. 

“Sorry.” Bailey blushed as they pulled away. They cleaned up the station and left with the rest of the couples.

“Maybe we should make this a weekly date.” He suggested while they meandered to the truck.

“Maybe.” She gave him a sideways look along with a grin. “I really have enjoyed both of our ventures here.”

“Same.” He spun her toward him and locked lips with her.

She ran her hands up his back, into his hair, giving it a tiny tug that caused him to give her a moan. In response, he pushed into her, backing her against the truck. If he hadn’t been aware of the cold, he was sure things would have escalated. But he broke the kiss and asked if she wanted to go to his place.

“Not this time, as much as I really do want to. I have to be up early to take care of paperwork for my new location.”

“What?” He looked at her with a mix of pride and shock on his face.

“Oh my gosh! I completely forgot to tell you.” Bailey rushed through her meeting and the offer on the property. “I have a lot of work to get the place ready. Then I have to start interviewing and hire a few people. I’ll have to promote someone to run the current location.” 

He nodded as she rambled about the things she had to get done. It was a lot to take in, but she was so excited and passionate that he just nodded, listening to what she had to say.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to go on and on.” The bashful smile on her face melted his heart.

“Don’t apologize. You don’t know how happy and proud of you I am.” He laid a hand on hers and squeezed.


He drove her to her house and gave her a sweet and gentle goodnight kiss, wishing they could pick up where they’d left off in the parking lot. But he didn’t want to suggest anything, especially since her mind was already working on her expansion.

On his way home, he thought about his past two nights with Bailey and how different their endings had been. He much preferred tonight and found himself pretending that the news had never happened. His mood was light and joyful and the weekend couldn't get there fast enough.

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