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It hadn’t been too difficult to pretend that he was embarrassed about their make-out, almost sexual night. That whole ordeal still bothered him. Even though he hadn’t doubted that she’d forgive him, she had done so with more ease than he had anticipated.

But it had been a challenge to try and play the role of the supportive boyfriend as she continued to fret over where Raven might be. A feeling of impatience kept washing over him. He wanted nothing more than to begin her punishment. Somehow he managed to tamper it down, to make himself wait a little longer. The date he had planned for Willow was something he wanted her to experience, sure it would help add to the bombshell revelation she’d get soon.

The symphony orchestra worked out better than he had expected. Lost in the music, all the stress that had been etched across her face melted away with each measure that played, a strange calmness replacing all the fret and worry. Her extreme gratitude afterward only added to his assurance that she would be blindsided by what she had coming.

Taking her back to their original date spot, even though it hadn’t been an official date, had the effect he figured it would. It was romantic and sweet to her. It was another move to lull her further into a false sense of adoration from him.

The moment of bliss would wear off once he left her to be replaced by her disconcertment, but that was just fine. The roller coaster of emotions he was putting her on only helped distract her more.

He knew she wasn't going to wait until the next morning to call the hotel. She was too worked up over the fact that she hadn’t heard from Raven yet. And once she found out that she had checked out on time, then she would go to the police. That didn’t worry him. The police were only going to reach out to the same people she already had. They wouldn’t start investigating her disappearance for a little while longer. Besides, she wasn’t going to make it through another twenty-four hours. 
He figured he'd let her agonize over it and get stressed out before he gave her his punishment. It could be more fun that way. Why hadn't I thought of this before? 
His initial plan had been to punish her right after the symphony orchestra. Once he took her back to her apartment, he was going to sneak behind her and inject her with the drug when she wasn’t paying attention. From there, he’d use his stolen car to get her to her site of torture. That changed at the cafe. He'd made the decision to give her another day. In that moment, all he wanted was to see her squirm more, go crazy with grief.
It was hard to stay patient though. As much as he was enjoying watching the state of her mental health deteriorate, he wanted to end her. 

His work on her basement dwelling had been finished days ago. A thick hook was drilled into the ceiling to hang her from. And this time, the hook would be used. Several old blankets had been shoved into the vent and boarded up. He’d even swept up the space and cleaned it the best he could. For what he had planned for her, he needed the area cleared out. His lights were already in place and he was anticipating seeing her suspended, arms above her head as she hung naked in front of him. He was ready.
Having energy he couldn't do anything with, he made his way to his place and changed into his exercise clothes. He made sure to take his headlamp, just in case the lights weren't on at the park. 
Once there, he saw a few other late-night joggers either starting up or in the middle of their workout. He stretched and began his jog. He hadn't decided on any particular route. His feet would be his guide.
It was peaceful running at night with the stars above, the city noise at a minimum. He didn't bother with the music app on his phone. The feeling of serenity all around put him at ease. 

He let his mind wander, landing on how good it felt to be so close to accomplishing his goal. Two women in the same city. Friends. It all had to be a dream. 

But even as good as it felt, he wasn’t sure he would be so ready to do it again. There were moments of stress he would have preferred to do without.
Once he was done with his jog, he walked to his favorite spying spot to watch Willow. A smug smile in place, he settled down to watch her.
As he suspected, she was on her phone, a frantic look on her face. She gestured as if there were an annoying fly buzzing around her head while she paced her bedroom.
Sitting and watching as she called several people before throwing her phone in frustration was just what he’d wanted to see. And he knew it would happen. The more she drove herself crazy, the better. He couldn't see her tears staining her cheeks, but he could tell by the way her face was twisted and from the occasional shake to her shoulders that she was crying. 
Poor baby. Don't worry though. You'll find out what happened to her soon.

With that thought, he felt the eagerness swelling inside and went back to his place. A long, hot shower relaxed his muscles, the tiredness he should have felt earlier creeping up at last. He went to bed, ready to have the best dreams as the taste of success rested on his lips.

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