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The night had gone just as he had hoped.

Raven was smitten. She may not have realized it and she would never admit to it. But she wanted him.

He had shown up ten minutes early to find that she was putting on her makeup. A look of surprise was clear on her face when she opened the door to see him. She ushered him into her living room while she ran into the bathroom to finish up.

He didn't bother looking around. He had no interest in her home. Besides, he knew it well from all the time he'd spent watching her through her open blinds. Instead, he sat on the couch and looked out of the window to see twinkling lights the neighbors had strung up around their small balcony. 

“Okay. I'm ready.” Raven came out and smoothed the front of the short dress in an excitable move. She licked her lips, moving her hand in her normal move to toss the hair that was now pulled up into an elaborate bun.

“Great. You look great.” He breathed, standing and crossing the short distance to her. The dress shimmered with a chameleon effect. The halter-style top showed off her slender shoulders while cutting into a deep V to showcase her cleavage. 

He realized this was the second of her outfits she’d chosen to exhibit her breasts. Just another point of his being made.

“Thanks. So do you.” Her words were airy and her emerald eyes were glossy.

He leaned in to give her a quick peck on the cheek, grasping for her hands. She seemed to understand and offered them to him. Her hands were clammy as he took them in his own. Poor little baby seems nervous.

“Let's go.” He tugged her towards the door and waited for her to lock it. In an effort to appear eager, he bounced on the balls of his feet.

“Where to?” Raven slid her arm through his, allowing him to guide the way.

“Can't you ever just wait to be surprised?” He let a little annoyance lace his words.

“I'm sorry. It's just, you told me to get dressed up and now we're walking?” Her pouting was starting to grate on his nerves.

“You got a point.” He let her go, stepping to the curb with his arm raised. While his back was to her, he allowed a scowl to form before he pulled himself together.

A cab pulled up and he made flourishes with his arms as he opened the door for Raven. She crawled in, settling all the way across so that he didn't have to go around to get in.

Before getting in though, he opened the front passenger door, surprising the driver a bit. Raven watched him lean in and whisper something. The driver nodded.

“Okay. Now, for a night you’ll never forget.” He made the effort to be over-the-top charming, risking the chance that she’d think he was a dork. But if he played it just right, he knew he’d have her right where he needed her to catch her off guard. She'd never suspect a thing. And with where he was taking her, he was sure she’d be putty in his hands.

She didn't waste a second to latch onto his hand.

In a suave move, he leaned in and grazed his lips against her bare neck. He smelled the spicy floral scent she’d sprayed on. If he’d been any other man, his hormones would have gone haywire. Instead, he brought his free hand up to cup her chin.

A low moan came from her; she nestled against him, waiting for more. He leered down at her, trailing a finger over the sensitive skin of her neck to her shoulder, ending with the top of her hand encased in his own. 

She brought her free hand over to trace her fingers across his. She made a move to suggest she was about to take things a little further. But the cab slowed as it pulled to the curb.

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