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Willow was surprised to see that she didn't have any texts or missed calls from April. That wasn't like her. She always called as soon as the date was over.

She decided to let it go for now. She’d hear from April for sure. It was possible the date had gone so well that she wanted to talk about it face to face.

Or perhaps, although she knew it wouldn't be true, more had happened.

Willow took her time to get her day started. She stretched as she stood up out of the bed and then sauntered to the kitchen. After rummaging through the cabinets and digging around the refrigerator, she decided to make french toast and bacon. 

Her phone started trilling next to her and she glanced to see that it was April.

“Oh my gosh.” April's voice sounded through the speakerphone. “He is so hot!”

Willow made a noise to cue her friend to continue as she finished cracking the eggs in a glass bowl. 

Without taking a breath, April went on with her story. She managed to catch Willow off guard when she got to the end of the night.

“Wait. What?” Willow raised her eyebrows and forgot about the piece of bread that sat in the egg, turning to mush. 

“Yeah. I can't believe it. He just walked away.”

“Yeah. Really.”

“I mean, why go through making out with me, and it was pretty hot, to just leave?” It was clear that April was angry now. “Who does that?”

In a way, we do. 

Willow didn't say anything, just gave a snort. She just focused on digging out pieces of the disintegrated bread. 

“So maybe I won't let him take me out again.”

Willow shot a glance at her phone. She knew April had no intention of letting this guy go so soon. He may have stopped things before April had the chance to do so, but she had been so excited about the date. She'd had an amazing time until he’d left. She would at least give him one more chance even if it was only so that she could be the one to finish things.

“Gotta go. Jeff is calling.”

Before Willow could respond, all she heard was the disconnection click of April hanging up on her.

She reached out and opened a music app to listen to while she tried to salvage her breakfast.


It wasn't ten minutes later when April called to talk about the next date with Jeff. Willow continued to eat while she listened to the details. She made noises every so often to let April know she heard her.

“So are you planning on taking your break? Still?”

Willow knew April had rolled her eyes. “Probably. If I decide I’m desperate enough, I’ll call one of the movie guys.”

April snorted.

They were silent before Willow decided to ask April what her plans were for the day.

“I dunno. I tried to ask Jeff if he wanted to get brunch or something, but he said he couldn't. He had some work he had to do.”

“What kind of work does someone have on Sunday? Besides church people.” Willow grabbed her plate and juice cup before she got off the couch, the phone cradled between her head and shoulder.

“Don't really care, so I didn't ask.” 


“What are you doing?”

“Putting my dishes in the sink.” She kept herself from making some sarcastic remark.

They talked a few more minutes before saying goodbye.

Willow realized that she was feeling a little tense. Maybe April had a point. She could string a guy along while she hunted for “the one”. To relieve herself of the extra energy and maybe help clear her mind, she changed into her exercise clothes.

Once at the park, she began to stretch. There were several paths that led in various directions and each one had different views of the city. She was trying to decide which one she wanted to take when she saw him. Her heart accelerated. I have got to talk to him. There’s no way he’s a figment of my imagination.

He breezed past her and careened to the right, his muscles already covered in a sheen of glistening sweat. He reached to his arm where an armband holding his phone wrapped around his bicep.

Willow cut her stretching short and started off. She made sure to stay back a little even though all she wanted to do was slide up to his side. As much as she wanted to make contact with him, she wasn’t sure how to go about it. Her normal flirty ways had been in vain so far. She didn’t want to make herself look like any more of an idiot than she already had.

He kept a steady pace as his feet pounded the ground. Every so often, he reached to his arm to adjust the volume or skip a song.

Willow kept his pace until he took a sharp left onto a path that she had never been down. It went through the middle of the park where trees lined either side of the dirt trail. It made her think of the woods and she had no desire to be there. Just the thought made her feel uncomfortable.

After a few seconds of hesitation, she threw caution to the wind and took the turn, sure she'd rush through this section, maybe even pass him. But he was gone.

She let her pace slow as she scanned the trees, forgetting her irrational fear of the mock forest. Thick and thin trunks were scattered where she couldn't see through to the other side. A shudder coursed through her body.

How did he disappear like that? I wasn't that far behind him?

Done with feeling of unease, her hands on her hips, she let out an aggravated groan and strode a few more feet. There was no sign of him and she started to question what lurked in the trees.

Once clear of the faux woods, Willow slowed down and scanned the area to look for him. But there was no sign of the guy and she was starting to think she had imagined after all.

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