Should I?

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Nicole's POV

I ended up staying at the lair last night, because the guys didn't want to wake me.

So I'm just sitting in my room, waiting for the guys to be done with training.

I got bored, so I decided to go see how the guys were doing.

I looked in the dojo. No one. The pit. No one.

Huh? Where'd everyone go?

"Hello?" I called.

"Yes?" I heard Master Splinter say.

"Where'd everyone go?" I asked.

"They went to go take care of something." He said and he filled me in on what happened.

"And no one wanted to come tell me they were leaving, or take me with them?" I asked.

"I guess not." He said.

"I can help! I'm not as weak as you would think I am!" I said.

"How so?" Splinter asked.



I'm not telling him.

"I'm just not." I replied.

"Why don't you go find them and tell them just how strong you are?" Splinter suggested.

"Thanks, Master Splinter!" I said and I turned to the exit.

"Just be careful." Splinter warned.

"Okay." I said.

And I left the lair in search of the guys and April.

I found the guys in an alley with a... pigeon? Is that the thing Splinter was talking about?

"Forgetting something?" I asked rhetorically.

"Nicole! Sorry! We completely forgot to go get you!" April said.

'I noticed.' I thought.

"Can you tell us where the Kraang are holding Kirby?" Leo asked.

"I can, but it's gonna cost ya a lot of bread." The pigeon said.

"We're talking about... actual bread, right?" Leo asked.

"Yah! Sour dough!" He replied.

"Done!" Leo said.

"Let's roll!" Mikey said as he threw what looked like an egg to the ground and purple smoke rose everywhere.

I felt someone grab me and I was pulled into the smoke.

We got to the place that Pete, I found out that that's his name, told us to go, and Donnie got on Mikey's back so that he could open up some kinda vent.

"Piece of cake!" He said after he got it open.

"Let's do this!" April said, pumped.
"We need you to wait here, April." Leo said.

"Are you crazy?? My dad's in there!" She replied.

"Along with who knows how many Kraang! This requires stealth, and mobility. Leave it to the pros." Leo said.

"I can't just do nothing!" She said.

"You won't be doing nothing. We need you to lower this rope when we give you the signal." Leo said as she gave her a rope.

She sighed.

"Let's go guys." I said making my way to the vent.

"You too, Nicole." Leo said.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"You've had even less training than April has. You'd be even more of a weight on our shoulders." He explained.

"Like I told Master Splinter, I'm not as weak as you'd think I am." I defended.

"No, Nicole. You are weak. We've been training our whole lives to do this and we still sometimes have to retreat." Raph said.

I gave them all the dirtiest glare.

"I... Am... Not... WEAK!" I yelled.

I could feel my palms heating up.

No! Not now!

"Are you okay, Nicole?" Mikey asked.

I started hyperventilating.

Donnie ran up to me.
"In... Out... In... Out." He instructed me.

I did as he said and after a minute, I was fine.

He felt my forehead.

"You're burning up!" He said.

"I'm fine," I said, "When I get really angry, my body temperature rises for some reason." I said.

It's kinda true.

"I think you should stay out here." Donnie said.

"No. I wanna prove I'm not weak." I said.

"Please, Nicole?" Leo asked.

I thought for a minute.

"Fine." I said.

"We'll be back soon, I promise." Leo said.

'Yah, right.' I thought.

We were waiting around for the guys to come back, when we heard Raph yell, "April! Throw the rope!"
We looked in.

"Dad!" April said.

They did it. They actually did it! They got Mr. O'Neil!

"April!" He called.

April and I tossed down the rope.
We saw and heard fighting going on, and there was nothing we could do about it.

Well, nothing April could do.
If only I could take off this stupid elastic. I could burn these droids to a crisp.

"Mr. O'Neil! What are you doing?" I heard Leo yell.

I looked down at them. Kirby was heading for one of the guns that had dropped.

He grabbed it and fired.

"Save my daughter. Save the city." Kirby said.

"Daddy, no!" April yelled.

He continued shooting.

The guys came up the vent.
We looked down again only to see Kirby being pinned down by Kraang droids.

"No!" April yelled.

They picked him up and lead him away.

April backed away and put her hands over her mouth.

She hugged Donnie.

"We'll get him back, April," Donnie said, "I promise."

"We gotta go." Leo said as he ran off.
We followed him and went back to the lair.

I could've done something. Anything.
But I'm too much of a coward to face my fear.

And Kirby's freedom suffered for my cowardliness.

It's my fault.

Hey guys!

Hope you enjoyed! Plz leave a comment!

Love you all! 💙❤💜💛

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