First day of School

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Hey guys! I can't believe this story has already gotten 12 views! Thank you soooo much!! The picture above is what Nicole is supposed to look like and I know it's not a great picture but its the best I could find. I hope you all enjoy this new chapter! Oh and one more thing, this chapter takes place one week after the last chapter.
Nicole's POV
Today's my first day at the new school and I'm freaking out! I've never lived in New York before and I don't know what people will think of me. Apparently, April and I don't take the bus to school, we walk. Great. Thankfully it's not that far.
"Don't worry!" April says. "I'm not worried." I lie. "Yes you are, I can see it in your eyes." she replies. "Okay, maybe a little." "It's actually not that bad. It's a little intimidating at first but after a week or so, you'll love it here!" 'Yah right' I thought.
After what seemed like hours, we got to school. "Your schedule's in the main office, do you want me to go with you to pick it up?" April asked. I just nod my head in response and follow her to where I assume is the main office.
"Here's your schedule." says the lady at the front desk. "Thank you Ms. Luino." says April. "Mmmmhmmm" is all we get in response. As we walk out, April says, "Well, someone still hasn't had her coffee yet." I just giggle.
I really want to be friends with April. I mean, I know she already considers me her friend, but I don't know if I'm ready to be close to anyone yet. I'm sure as time goes on I'll learn to be more trusting but for now, I just want to be alone.
'It says here my first class is English. Well, at least it's not a class I have to think much in.' "Hey April, do you know where class 236 is?" "Yah, it's up the stairs, take a left, and keep going until you see it!" "Thanks." I say and turn away. "Your welcome." I hear her mutter.
TIME SKIP until after school
Still Nicole's POV
So it turns out that I have 4 out of my 8 classes with April. I'm just thankful I have someone who I know and I'm not a total loner. I have math, science, study, and lunch with her.
"How'd your first day go?" April asked. "It was ok." I lied. I don't think that people realize that I know that they are staring at me. I do have eyes, you know. It's because I'm the new girl, and I have red streaks in my hair, and I'm kinda tall, but that shouldn't matter.
When we get home, I go straight to our room and take out a book. About 30 minutes later April and Kirby come into my side of the room. "April and I are going for a walk, do you want to come?" asked Kirby. "No thanks, I'm good." I said without looking up from my book.
"Okay, then. We'll be back in a half hour." I just nod and continue reading. Little did I know that the walk was going to change all our lives.
Hey guys! Sorry, I know that wasn't the greatest chapter and I know it's kinda slow, but it all comes together later sooo please don't leave! Love you all!!

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