My Powers

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Raph's POV

"Just... Stop!" Nicole yelled and put up her hands.

Fire shot out of her hands.

"No!" Nicole screamed.

It hit my arm.

The pain was unbearable.

I fell to the ground and screamed in pain.

It burned sooo much.

"Raph!" My brothers yelled and came to my side.

"See?! I knew this would happen! Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me?!" I yelled in pain.

"Raph, I-" Nicole started.

"No! Get away! Don't you see you're not wanted here?!" I snapped.

She stood there for a second then ran out of the lair.

What I didn't notice was that she was crying.

I heard my brothers calling after her.

After she was gone, Donnie turned to me.

"Raph, I'm gonna take you to my lab and fix you up, okay?" Donnie told me calmly, cuz I was still screaming.

I didn't say anything.

He helped me stand up and he lead me to his lab.

I didn't think that it would hurt this much.

He put me on his table an got to work.

After about 5 minutes, he had made the blood stop coming out and it hurt a lot less.

He put a large bandage wrap around the burned place and put my arm in a sling.

"How bad was it?" I asked.

"You got a... 3rd degree burn." Donnie said hesitantly.

"Didn't I tell you this would happen?!" I yelled.

"Raphael, she was hurt and upset. She did not mean to hurt you." A voice said.

We all turned our heads to the door.

"Master Splinter!" Leo said.

"You must go and find her." Splinter said.

"Why?! She cause this!" I yelled.

"Yes, she did. But I fear if you do not, something will happen." Sensei said.

"Like what?" Donnie asked.

"... That is for you to discover for yourselves."

We agreed to go after.

Well, the others did.

I was kinda hesitant, but I went along with them.

First, we looked through the sewers.


We went topside.

We went up to the roofs.

We looked for about 5 minutes, before we found her.

She was laying down on the roof with her hands covering her face.

We realized that she was crying.

"Awweeee. That's so depressing." Mikey said.

"I can't even begin to imagine what's happening to her right now." Donnie said.

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