Human Eyes

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All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. ~Anatole France


Chapter 1:

Lux POV:

"Bye mom, I'll see you tomorrow!" I called out to my mother who smiled and gave me another bear hug. I laughed and gave her another quick squeeze before letting go and walking to the front door.

"Alright then sweetie, I'll see you then." My mother, Janet Thompson, said warmly.

I stepped outside to be poured on by the rain. With a squeal, I started running to my car, only to remember that it broke down at the hotel.

Sigh. Guess I'll be walking...

Hi, I'm Lux Thompson and I'm probably the most unlucky person you will ever meet. Haha I know I sound over dramatic, but I swear to god I'm not.

Like in kindergarten, when it was my birthday, I had too much cake to eat at school. This resulted in me hunched over the school bathroom's toilet, hacking my guts up.

See!? Bad luck I tell you!

However, that was how I met my best friend Zoe Parker, who quickly came to pull the hair out of my face while I pleasantly puked up my birthday cake.

Great story huh?

I know.

Anyway, now I'm stuck in the middle of a down pour in a city I have NO idea how to get around.

I came down to visit my mother Janet for a week before Thanksgiving in Forks, Washington. You see, the problem is that I don't know how to get back to my hotel.

All I have is my purse which had my phone and empty wallet stuck in the crook of my elbow. I could call a cab?

Nope. I don't have money.

Dammit Lux, why are you do unlucky!?

I sighed and ran through the dark night, holding my purse over my head in attempt to block the rain. 10 minutes later, my purse and I were soaked and completely lost in the town.

I thought about how nice it would be to be back at the hotel, relaxing with Shadow in our room. Shadow is my army trained husky from back home.

My dad trained him to be an EXTREMELY loyal dog to me before he left for Iraq. Let's just say that Shadow has always been my little body guard since daddy past away.

"Aw shit, now where am I!?" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in the air. I heard rustling from an alleyway in front of me.

Gulping nervously, I quickly turned on my heel and started to fast walk away from there.

"Where do you think your going sexy?" A boy about my age asked with a cocky smirk.

Oh my god. OH MY GOD.

I said nothing, terrified. Instead I just tried to move around the guy, but a different boy coming out of nowhere, caught me, holding me by my shoulders.

"LET ME GO!" I yelled at the boy, and tried to get out of his grasp. He easily held me in place and smirked, as a bunch of other boys gathered around me.

"PLEASE, just leave me alone!" I begged, my eyes pooling up with wet hot tears. The guys laughed darkly.

"No can do princess." One boy chuckled and another one removed his jacket.

"Yeah sorry babe, I get what I want, and I want you." The boy said lustfully and I screamed. The guy holding me shoved a hand over my mouth forcefully and I got out of his grasp.

Running full speed, I tried to real out of the circle of boys, but they skillfully caught me and held me tight.

"Oh I see we caught a feisty one huh?" The boy from before said, holding me tight by my elbows.

"Please don't!" I whispered in fear and they all shared a look.

"Sorry princess." One guy said before throwing a hard punch at my stomach, and I collapsed to the ground in pain. Then they all contributed to hurting me, until I was bleeding and broken.

The boys all took one last swing at me, before high fiving and walking away from the alley, leaving me here to suffer.

Pain surged throughout my body, and I realized that one of the boys had cut me in the neck. I pressed a hand up to my neck slowly, feeling the warm wet liquid ooze over my hand.

That's a lot of blood...

So I laid there in the alleyway, seriously broken, bruised, and bleeding. My vision blurred as my world began to grow black.

Black spots filled my vision, making the dark Forks sky seem almost light in comparison. I stared up at the sky, gazing at what I could see left of it.

Finally my world was growing dimmer before I heard a loud thud right next to me. I couldn't gather enough strength to move at all, so I laid there wondering who going to finish me off.

I had never thought that in a million years I would die like this. Broken and laying in my mother's hometown alley way.

But it was happening.

"Carlisle! What do we do? Are we too late!?" A deep and husky voice asked from above me.

I unconsciously stared at the bloody ground beneath me, counting how many breaths I had left.

These people are going to finish me off, kill me and throw my body in the ocean.

I shuddered, bracing myself for one last punch, but instead was thrown off by something completely unthinkable.

"No Edward, it's never too late." Another male voice said from above me, before biting into my throat.

I screamed in agony, the sound echoing off of the alleyway.

Pain seared through my neck, spreading to my chest, and then my arms and legs. My body shook with pure torture of this bite, all my veins running cold and awake.

My eyes were wide open as the pain finally covered my heart, making me wail once more before closing my eyes for the last time of my human life.

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