Cherry Red

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Chapter 9:

Lux POV:

'Waking up' was not a common phrase for me to say. Now that I was a vampire, there were so many human things I needed to catch up on. It was hard to get used to all these rules of being a human... Well at least acting like one.

All last night I was highly distracted from my day with Carter.


I grinned thinking of him.

Last night the whole family held lessons for me on how to act when I'm in school. Of course Emmett didn't forget to tease me about my terrible singing in the shower along the way...

There were SO many things that humans did! I was ready to scream by the end of our family lessons on how to be a human. How do they pretend ALL the time? God, that's gotta be exhausting...

Blink at least three times a minute, slouch, move your shoulders, cross your legs, slow down, touch your hair, flinch, react slowly, breathe, bite your lip, shuffle your feet, act shy, duck your head...

The list went on and on!

I mean to think that only three short days ago I was a human, and now trying to act like one was the hardest thing I had done so far!

I lay on my huge couch, petting Shadow as he nuzzled into me. I had Keeping Up With The Kardashians on the flat screen and I smiled at the show, enjoying not having to hide all my vampire features.

"Knock, knock." Alice said, coming through my door.

"Hey girl!" I greeted and she sat down next to me on the couch, petting Shadow.

"I always wanted a dog..." Alice trailed off and I giggled, turning down the TV.

"So what did ya need?" I asked, tying my dark hair up in a top knot.

"Well I have three things. 1) I wanted to ask you how things went with the wolf, 2) Did you want to hunt before your first day of school? and 3) I have a surprise for you." Alice said, counting on her fingers.

I blinked, and cocked my head to the side at my sister.

"Surprise?" I asked happily, and Alice nodded excitedly. Then she took my hands and made me shut my eyes.

"Ugh Alice!" I groaned and noticed footsteps all around me. So the rest of the family knows about this?


"Calm yourself Lux, we're here." She announced, letting go of my hands.

"Can I open my eyes now Alice?" I asked and she laughed.

"1...2...3!" Alice cried and I opened my eyes to a cherry red Ferrari.

I simply stood looking at the glossy red paint of the sports car with my eyes bulging and my mouth wide open.

Everyone laughed at my reaction. Esme stepped towards me and opened my hand, dropping in a silver set of keys in my palm. I looked up at her amazed, and she shooed me to get in the car.

Slowly walking towards the beauty as if in a trance, I opened the door and sat down in the black leather seat.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god." I whispered over and over, Emmett laughed and got in the passenger seat.

"So Luxy boo, how ya likin the ride?" He asked, kicking his feet up on the dashboard.

"I love it....." I murmured closing my eyes and hugging the wheel. Everyone cracked up and I giggled along, opening my eyes.

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