Chapter 9: Soldiers

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2 months later


It's been 2 months since my cousin Irene visited me, and it's also been 2 months since the last time I've seen Lisa. I know I shouldn't be thinking about her because I've decided to let her go in the first place, and then I remember I didn't give her the chance to explain her side, but whatever, it's too late for that, isn't it?

As soon as Irene told me that she was looking for volunteer doctors to travel abroad, I scheduled a meeting with the board and the chairman. Since we need time to prepare, I didn't expect the board to agree when I presented to them what Irene had specifically requested from me.

I've been appointed as the team leader by the chairman for the months prior, so I get to choose who will be joining my team and I'm happy that a few doctors have already offered to join. The list will be sent to the safety officers stationed at our location after I have finished adding names to it.

We'll wait for them to confirm the list now to ensure our safety there and also I already told the team to pack their things as soon as possible because we will take an early flight to the airport. So here I am, packing my things with the help of my two best friends.

"I can't still believe we're going to Lithuania," Jisoo said while folding my shirt, and beside her was Rosé, who's doing the same.

"We're going because we have some work to do, babe," Rosé said, chuckling. Jisoo just slightly rolled her eyes.

"I know that, but it's still a good opportunity for us to finally get out of this building," Jisoo replied. I smiled at the thought, and Chu's right.

"I hope it's going to be just fine," I said this time while I zip my luggage after I put the last thing I need to pack.

"Relax, Jen, there's nothing to worry about, we're just doing our jobs as doctors to help the people who really need us," Jisoo said as she stood up, getting us some drinks from the fridge.

Rosé and I settled on the couch as I heaved a sigh.

"I don't know why I'm feeling like this, it's like a weird feeling. I know there's nothing to worry about, but I just can't help it," I said honestly, and I sighed again.

"Are you okay, though?" Rosé asks worriedly, placing her hands on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm just tired, I guess," I replied.

"You should take a rest, you've already worked hard recruiting doctors to join the team," Jisoo said, handing us a can of cola.

"I'm really glad some of the doctors came to volunteer themselves," I said before taking a sip of my drink.

"I know right," Rosé replied as she finished her drink, just like me.

"I think that's it for today, we should rest," Jisoo said, and we all headed to our respective bedrooms after saying goodnight. Let's just hope it will be fine after all.


Lithuania 1:23 pm

Two months have passed since we got deployed, and we have been assisting the locals in maintaining their property and safeguarding it from terrorists and gangs. This is nice, I can feel the peace around here, and I'm happy because I can tell the people in this town are feeling the same thing. It only means we are doing a good job.

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