Chapter 13: I've missed you

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The whole ride was quiet and uncomfortable, but luckily we have arrive in our destination. Lisa parked at the side of the road near a store as she turn off the engine. While inside the car, we roamed our eyes around the area.

"A friend of mine owned a store here, he was the one who donated the foods in your arrival celebration." Lisa said and we both unbuckle our seat belts.

We both get off the car and I followed Lisa as we walk inside the said store.

"Do you always go here?" I asks her to break the awkwardness between us.

"Not really, I just go here to personally thank the owner for his generosity." Lisa replied and she smiled at me. That smile though.

I just nodded my head. She then bell the ring because we didn't see someone inside.

"Mr. Johnson? Are you in here?" Lisa said out loud. "This is Lisa by the way." she added.

We then heard the door opening in the back of the store so we turn around to look who it was. There's an old man who was carrying a box while swiping his shoes on the rug and when he sees us, he immediately smiled widely.

"Lalisa!" he then put the box on the table before walking towards Lisa who meets him halfway and they both hug each other. 

"How are you Mr. Johnson? I'm sorry I haven't visited the other day, there's something that I needed to do." Lisa said and the old man just tap her shoulder.

"Ah don't worry about that, you know I can handle myself." he said and he look at my direction.

"Oh, I see you got some accompany here." he then walk towards me, smiling smoothly. "And who might be this beautiful woman here, aren't you going to introduce me to her Lalisa?" he asks and I can't help but to blush at the statement.

"This is Jennie Kim, she's a doctor and the leader of the medical team who volunteered to help the people in the village. Jennie, this is Mr. Johnson, he's the friend that I'm talking about that owns a store here." Lisa introduce us to each other.

I then bow my head as I offer my right hand for a handshake which Mr. Johnson gladly take.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Johnson." I said.

"It's a pleasure Dr. Jennie Kim." he replied still smiling and we shake hands. 

"You can call me Jennie, Mr. Johnson." I said, Dr. Kim is just too formal for me.

"Alright Jennie, I think I heard a lot about you." Mr. Johnson said while walking towards the counter and I raised my eyebrows as I look at Lisa questionably but she just cleared her throat while looking around avoiding my gaze.

"Really?" I replied turning my attention to Mr. Johnson who happened to get some cup in the cupboard.

"Yeah, Lalisa here have mentioned your name many times whenever she will come here." he said while smiling knowingly at Lisa and when I look at her she was blushing. How cute.

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