Chapter 23: Let the game begin

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I just got to bed after my call with Lisa, and I waited for her to fall asleep cause she might have another nightmare again but thankfully she didn't. 

I've never been so scared in my life knowing that she's having a nightmare without anyone with her at the moment. I was thinking that, what if I didn't call her that time? What's the worst thing that could happen to her?

Gosh, Lisa, why do I like I needed to protect you even though you have the aspect to do it yourself?


Thinking about her makes me feel safe and anxious at the same time. I think it's enough for me to overthink things for now, so it's better if I take some sleep, and so I did.

I hope you're okay, Lisa-ya.



My sleep was interrupted by my alarm going off. I had a good night's sleep after that nightmare last night, and maybe because Jennie stayed with me until I fell asleep. I check on my phone and saw Jennie's text last night.


Sleep well and please go home to your parents' house, it's safe there for you.
Call me anytime, Goodnight Captain.

I smiled. Shit, I think I'm falling harder this time, I really am. Should I be worried? No, never.

I look at the time

8: 23 am

It's still around one in the morning there in Lithuania, so I won't call Jennie so that she can rest first; I know she slept late last night. I stretch the muscles on my body before I tidy my bed. After that, I wash my face and do my morning routine.

When I walk downstairs, I was already dressed, wearing a black shirt and denim jeans. I put on my Rolex watch then make myself some coffee. Today I'll start meeting some people who will help me find leads to my brother's case.

I don't know what will happen today, but I'll make sure to make my time here worth it. This is what I really wanted to do when I get the chance. I want to prove that my brother was killed not by accident, but because of someone planned it.

Lt. Lee helped me with this case, and I don't know how he tracked my investigator here. Talking about that person, I want to talk to him. 

I know that my Lieutenant already gets rid of him, but still, I want to know the truth about why he did that to me. I want an explanation, he's one of the people that my brother trusted in his whole existence, and I don't understand why he would do such a thing.

Trust, it's the hardest thing for me to do, like I going to be sick thinking that someone would break the trust I gave to them and it's like killing me inside. 

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone rings so I answer it without looking at the caller i.d.

"Hello?" I then put the phone between my ear and shoulder, waiting for the person to speak while I get a cup on the cupboard then pour the coffee in it.

"Lalisa Manoban?" a deep voice said, so I stop what I was doing then frown.

"Who's this?" I replied instead while I walk near the window, looking at the beautiful morning view of Seoul.

"This is Mr. Lee Dong Wook, your new investigator. It's my new number. I change it today for safety purposes," the man replied, and that's when I realized that this man was the one I contacted the moment I got here. 

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