Chapter 11: Danger Ahead

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I quickly left Lisa after she handed me the supply list so we wouldn't have to deal with another awkward interaction. Gosh, of all the soldiers out here, why her? tsk.

Once I enter the medicube, where the staff is busy organizing the supplies we'll need for blood extractions and for the checkup with the kids. I then walk towards Rosé and Yeri after seeing them chatting, and they still haven't noticed my presence.

"Dr. Kim," Yeri said, bowing slightly when she saw me walking near them. I smiled at her and put my hand on her shoulder. She then excused herself and walked towards the table to put the box she's holding. I then look at Rosé.

"Where's Chu?" I ask where her fiancé might be. I was expecting her noisy ass to annoy me the moment I entered the door, but I didn't.

"Oh, I thought you two were together? She said to me she would go looking for you. Where have you been, by the way? "Rosé asks. I frown as I heard what she just said.

"I was gone for like five minutes. Why would she look for me already? And I also ask permission that I would just find some washing area because my hands were dirty." I look around the place, hoping that Jisoo will pop out of nowhere, but I didn't see her big mouth around.

"I'll call her," Rosé said while dialing a number to her phone while looking around.

Someone then taps my shoulder and turns my head to the side and sees Yeri.

"Dr. Kim, I almost forgot but miss Irene was looking for you before you got here," Yeri said, standing beside Jennie.

"Why is everyone looking for me?" I ask. First it's Jisso, then now Irene, what is going on?

"Jendeuk!" Someone shouted that annoying nickname again.

The moment I heard that voice, I didn't need to see their face because the loudness of its voice was already annoying to me.

"Oh, she's here," Rosé said before putting her phone inside her pocket. She then walks towards Jisoo, who's smiling widely.

"Yah! Why are you not answering your phone, huh?" Rosé slaps her shoulder while glaring slightly. 

I saw Jisoo looking at me while gulping deeply, and I just stuck my tongue at her teasingly.

"I told you, Kim, fifteen seconds policy, if you don't answer the call after that, then you're dead. You understand?" Rosé said to Jisoo with authority. Jisoo can only nod because of nervousness.

"I said, do you understand?" Rosé asks again, a little louder than before, because she wants to hear Jisoo's answer. 

"Yes maám.. I- I mean babe." Jisoo stuttered before smiling slightly at Rosé. 

"Good. Oh Jennie was looking for you by the way," Rosé then walks towards the other boxes that were placed on the table and put it in the right place. 

Jisoo then head towards me while glaring.

"What's with the glare?" I asks while raising my left brow.

"Where have you been all this time? We've been looking for you," Jisoo said to me while taking a seat on the table beside us. "Oh hi there Yeri." she notice the nurse beside me.

"Dr. Kim the second." Yeri chuckles, that's her nickname for Jisoo because we're both Kims here and to avoid confusion she called me Dr. Kim while Jisoo was Dr. Kim II.

"I'll go back to work now. sillyehagessseubnida (I'll excuse myself)," she bowed at us and we smiled at her. I then turn towards Jisoo who's scanning the room.

BEWITCHED SHIP (JenLisa) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now