His anger

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Maya's mind was racing. She'd ran to a quiet spot in the middle of the city. It was a small bench in the middle of a community garden. She hardly ever came here except for when she needed space to breathe and think. Everywhere else was too busy.

She replayed the events of the last hour in her head. Arriving at Topanga's, being grabbed by Farkle, hearing her dad's voice, Farkle shouting at him.

It was like she was watching it through someone else's eyes, she couldn't move or talk, only watch.

"You were her dad, and then you left." 

Those words rang through her head a thousand times over.

It wasn't until a cold breeze had passed her and she shivered that she'd noticed she was sobbing. She was so caught up in her thoughts she hadn't realised.

She'd considered holding it all in and pushing through but decided to just let it all out instead.

Maya sat sobbing for half an hour, she cried until her head hurt and then some more. She was embarrassed, hurt and confused.

She didn't know how she'd face her friends after that. She was the tough one, the strong one, the mean one. She'd just burst into tears, been guarded by Farkle of all people and ran away. She was humiliated.

Maya didn't know what to think about Riley. She knew that Riley had only been trying to help but she didn't know the situation and it wasn't her place to.

Then she thought of Farkle's reaction. To immediately get Maya away before her dad had even seen her. His first thought was to remove Maya from the situation and then protect her. He'd seen how she was reacting and completely took over the situation. She was amazed to say the least.

No one had ever really tried to protect her like that. Not physically, but emotionally protect her.

She was stifling her tears now, attempting to ease her headache.

Maya hugged her clothes tighter to her body and sucked in a breath, preparing herself for a long walk. She looked up to the sky, seeing all of the bright stars  and closed her eyes for a second. Maya did this when she needed to ground her emotions.

One foot in front of another and she was on her way.


After Maya took off running it took both Lucas and Zay holding him back to stop him from pouncing on the tall man. His blood was boiling, he was seeing red. Riley told Kermit to leave as she finally came to her senses and realised that tonight was not the night to mend broken relationships.

They'd let Farkle go when he'd cooled off, but they didn't let him leave just yet.

"Okay, what the hell was that." Lucas said, his eyebrows furrowed and his arms folded.

"Yeah, we ain't ever seen you acting all sweet and protective over her before. Especially not violently. That's Lucas's thing." Zay had tried to use humour to lighten the situation. It didn't work.

"It's nothing, just leave it." Farkle still wore a dangerous expression on his face, one that told Lucas to not let him leave yet.

Riley piped up, "I've been best friends with Maya for years and I've never seen her like that. What are you not telling us?"

They'd all moved in front of him now. While they were all distracted trying to think of their own theories, Farkle saw his chance to escape. He bolted out the door before they knew what was happening.


Sooooo... what do you's think?

Like, on a scale on 1-10, 10 being terrible.

Anyways, enjoys my beautiful bagels x

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