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School went by agonisingly, Maya hadn't spoken to Riley again - she was trying to be stroppy.

Farkle sulked all day, he had a pit forming in his stomach. The feeling of betrayal and confusion was overwhelming. He had a headache so strong that he struggled to keep his eyes open and he hadn't eaten all day.

So I'm conclusion, his day was going generally quite sh*tty.

If only he knew why Maya was ignoring him, then at least he would know what to do.

Maya was also sulking, just in her own way. She wore a tough, nonchalant facade. Strode with a false confidence throughout the hallways and refused to look anywhere near Farkle.

Once home, Maya let out a sigh revealing her of the stress that came with the day. She wanted to run towards him all day, she wanted to be held by him and told 'it could work'. But she didn't. Instead, she had decided quickly to cut herself off from him.

She couldn't be hurt.

Maya had seen how her mother had been treated by men, she couldn't risk it. She didn't want to feel that vulnerable because of a silly boy.

Despite how much she trusted Farkle, she didn't trust anyone with her heart. Farkle was too close to comfort.

She knew she was doing a sh*tty thing by ignoring him but it was an impulse reaction.

Leaving the school grounds, she allowed herself a single glance at him. She looked a bit longer than she normally would, taking in his features. Following the way his hair settled, down to his cheek bones. Her eyes found their way to Farkle's lips.

Those soft, blush lips of his that she couldn't stop thinking about.

Her eyes finally met his as she looked up, only to be shocked when Farkle was staring right back at her.

Her face flushed as her checks began to heat up. He was getting closer to her.

People speak a lot about fight or flight, that inner feeling of standing and planting your feet or running away.
Maya balled her fists, noticing how sweaty they were - her heart was beating out of her chest.

She did what any normal teenaged girl would in this situation.

Maya lifted her hand, used two fingers to do a quick salute before turning on her heal and running in the opposite direction.

Farkle sighed.

He'd only wanted to talk to her.

He thought it over in his head for a second or two, if going after her could make anything worse or not.

The next thing he knew he was running towards her. Dodging more kids leaving school, jumping over a dog, trying desperately to not accidentally rugby tackle an old woman in the process.


Maya ran faster, her eyes becoming blurry.
'God, I should really run more often...' she thought to her self.

Farkle grabbed her arm, turning her to face him and holding her in place.

She'd managed to run to the platform for the train station. She unfortunately had no where else to go until the train came so she was stuck with him whether she liked it or not.

The fear in her eyes was evident.
She wasn't afraid of him, only of what was to come. She hoped he knew that.

"Farkle, I-"

"No, Maya. I've been trying to talk to you for days so that's what's gonna happen. I'm going to speak and you are going to listen to me." He held onto to both of her arms so Maya was forced to face him.

There was no escaping his gaze now.

She was slightly taken back by the dominance in his voice, he'd never been like this before.

"I'm not asking for much, Maya. I just want to talk to you. I get that you're scared, I know what you're like. But if you had only spoken to me about it then I could have fixed it, or slowed down or apologised. Anything other than this." His voice was pleading, verging on angry.

"I didn't mean for it to happen like this, I swear I just-"

"You just what, Maya? You just could face me? You thought that you're only option, the best option, was to ignore me for days and leave me guessing?" Farkle let go of her arms as she looked down.

"I'm sorry..."she said under her breath.

"I'm sorry. Okay? I got scared. And rightfully so. I don't apologise for what I did, only for how I did it. Ignoring you was not my best idea but don't you dare think I'm going to let you shout at me like that for it." Her confidence came back.

Her anger followed.

It was Farkles turn to be startled now.

He started to feel bad. He refocused on the small girl in front of him again. Noticing just how small she was compared to his tall stature.

Farkle zoned out - bad idea. He let out a small laugh at their height difference, not realising that Maya was still talking.

"Are you kidding me?! Did you just laugh at me?" Farkle began shaking his head.

"What? No! I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I zoned out."

"You zoned out? You ZONED OUT? I finally talk to you and you ZONE OUT?!"

Her eyes were wide open, conveying the intense anger she felt.

"I - I - uh- oh no..." Farkle let out a deflated sigh. He knew there was no winning against Maya if she was angry.

If he was wrong then she was right.
If he was right then she was still right.

"I was right to ignore you. Not like you would listen to me anyways." She turned to walk away.


"No, Farkle. I-"

Farkle cut her off. He took her arm, turning her once again. One hand on the back of her head, Farkle kissed her.


Hey baby bagels.

I deadass think this is my longest chapter. I feel bad for leaving you guys without one for so many weeks but school got crazy, as did my life in general.

Despite that. Here, have a brand new chapter.

From me to you.

Enjoy xoxo

Markle // we are the sameWhere stories live. Discover now