CHAPTER ONE: When The Rocket Took Off

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Every year, a rocket lands in the city forming a huge hole in the middle of the ground. When the door of the rocket opens everyone freezes like they have been frozen in a huge piece of ice. There is exactly four men in bio suits who walk out of the rocket holding a huge wheel. We are all given a number when we are born, and my number is 709. The wheel is full of every person in the city's numbers. I know what your thinking, that must be a huge wheel! Well it really is, it's even taller than three average men. If they pick your number, they put you in a bodybag, and drag you into the rocket. No one in the city knows where the go after they enter the rocket, they don't explain anything to us.

Tomorrow is when the rocket comes, and I'm not even worried because there is millions of numbers on that wheel. And if I do get spun, I can still find out where all of the people go when they enter the rocket. I only have my mom and my little brother. The reason I don't have my dad is because he was chosen.

"NOOO! Dad I don't want you to go!" Yelps my little brother. My mother screams, "I love you!" Dad starts crying and hugs us all until the men in bio suits shoved him in a bag. That is the worst memory I have in my life, but I don't want to forget it because it is one of the few memories of my father.

I have only seen a few people try to escape the rocket, and if you try to escape they shoot you down and shove you in the  bag without stopping the bleeding. I don't have much more time to explain my life, because I have to go to sleep, well I have to be present during the rocket tomorrow morning so bye for now.

I wake up to a slight sound of the rocket. I get up and wake up mom and my brother, and run outside with my family. Everyone in the city was already standing around the rocket. The door suddenly opens, and the men in bio suits bring out the wheel. They immediately start spinning like they were in a hurry or something. "524!" They grab the woman and stuff her in the bag. "708!" They immediately grab the man, "Stop!" Yells one of the bio suited men. "He read it wrong! The correct number is 709!"

I feel like I just got shot in the back, I fall to the ground. I feel like I can't see anything, like I'm dying. Immediately hands grab my legs and arms and shove me in a bag. All I hear is the screams of my family behind me. Right when I entered the rocket they knocked me out cold.

"Click! Click! Click!" I open my eyes to a blinding red light. I feel something moving in my arm, so I try to get the best glance of my arm I could get. There is multiple tubes in my arm, I start sweating like the sun is 100 miles away from me. I see a slight shadow getting bigger by the second, until I clearly see the woman standing next to me. She took out syringe and stuck It into my stomach.

"Shrub! Shrub! Shrub!" I open my eyes to a swirling blue light in the sky. "AHHHH!"

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