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I lay on the ground for about ten hours until I wake up in the same bamboo cage I was in a while ago. "HEY PLEASE NOT AGAIN!" I yelp. I look around and see the dead bodies still lying there. It smells like there's a dead body in here in here, literally.

"PLEASE LET ME OUT! I am not the traitor!" I scream. No response, just like the day my mom found out that a very evil company called Block Force has bought the city. They have a terrible past, and they are known for testing on people in their secret lab. Anyone who entered that lab was never seen again.

I look down to the rug of our apartment door. I grab the daily news paper and see something I never wanted to see in my life. Block Force has bought the city! I run inside to show my mom not even believing it's real. I show my mom and brother the paper. I ask my mom if it's real or not, and there was no response. My dad walks in from behind, "yeah that's true and I'm not very happy about it." I scream in my mind, and run to my room. That's another one my my bad memories. And that's the reason they take people in the rocket, it's all Block Force.

I stare up at the bamboo bars for hours thinking of what I should do. "Hey!" I hear from a distance. "Hey dude, do you want out of here?" A boy asks from above the bars. "Uhm sure, and what does "dude" mean?" I ask in confusion. "Ok I'll get you out of here, and dude is another work for man. And my name is Rico, what's your name?" He says.

"Ok my name is kneel, and how are you going to get me out of here?" I ask in curiosity. "I can just open the bars from the outside." Rico replies. Oh my gosh I'm such an idiot. The whole time there was a way to open it from the outside of the bars!

Rico opened the bars and said "come on get out of there!" "Ok I'm coming up!" I reply as I climb up. I finally got out of that dumb smelly pit. "Thank you Rico!" "Don't mention it, I know you are not a traitor, I saw the whole thing in the woods." Rico exclaimed. "How?" I ask in confusion.

"I climb up trees and spy everywhere all the time. So I know no rules are broken and no one lies about something." Rico says. "That's interesting!" I reply. "Cmon we have to go tell the people that you are innocent!" Rico exclaims. We run to a huge hut, and walk inside. It is full of beds and hammocks with people sitting and sleeping!

"Everyone! Kneel is not a traitor! Someone just tried to murder him!" Rico yells to everyone. I hear little comments like "that's a lie!" "He's a traitor!" "It's a trap!"

"Ok everyone! Is there a leader or something here?" I yell. Then a big man in a special looking hammock stands up and walks toward me and Rico. "Yes! I am the leader! And do you have a problem with it?" He says in a mean tone. "Uhm yes, because I would like to be leader. And I know that you all think this is crazy but I have reasoning." I exclaim not knowing if I should regret it or not.

"Reason one is that I am really smart! Reason two is that I am strong and trustworthy!" I say until I get interrupted. "What tells you that I don't have any of that!" The leader yells at me. "Well if you were smart, you wouldn't be dressed like a woman." I say sarcastically. The leader grabs a huge knife, and points it at my chest. "Ok let's brawl! We can both have handmade swords outside!" He yells.

Everyone ran outside so I started walking outside too. Rico just stood inside frozen and not saying anything. A man gave me and the leader swords, and the leader screamed, "Ok! We will fight when I yell, go!" I feel like my throat is in a huge knot, and I have no idea what I just got myself into.

"Three! Two! One! Go!" Yells the leader. He charges at me and I dodge the sword. He starts swinging back and forth over and over while I keep blocking. It kept on going for a few minutes until, I won. I got the leader right in the chest, I didn't actually kill him, I just pointed it close to his chest because I am not as terrible as he is.

"Fine, you won fair and square! I have been leader long enough anyway!" He exclaims. A man in a strange hat walked up to me and handed me special leather gloves. "I will show you your special hammock, follow me" he says. I follow him back into the hut, and he leads me to the same hammock the old leader had. I have never felt prouder here.

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