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I wake up to the smell of death, literally. When I walk outside of the kitchen it's just like every other day in this "Safe Place". "Hey I'm going to go out, and look for anything useful" I tell everyone. "Ok, well just take this walky-talky" the waiter says. When he hands me the walky-talky, I shove it in my pocket and run outside. "What the heck!" I say when I see that there's no infected in the metal cages!

"Yeah, we are running low on food right now" the waiter says. "Yeah, Alex can't find much infected anymore, thanks Alex" Nate says with sarcasm. "Hey, I think something's messed up with the system right now, like no one is getting infected anymore" Alex pointed out. "So, does that mean we have to make people infected?" The waiter asks. "I don't know yet, and I don't even know how big the population is right now" Alex says.

We all decided that Alex and I can go look for a population. They said I should go with him for the experience in one of those robotic suit things. Alex shows me how to use one of the suits, and it turns out that it comes with a huge mini gun! When me and Alex get ready, I see something in the distance flying in the sky! Wait, what is that thing?

"CRASH!" It broke through the windows! And it turned out to be a huge metal cube looking thing with big legs, and eight red eyes! "RUN INSIDE! I can handle this!" Alex yells to me! I had no choice but to just run back inside! I decided to run back into the "safe place" and tell them what is happening!

"There's a big metal cube thing that crashed through a bunch of windows! And Alex is fighting it right now! "Well, is he in his robot suit?" The waiter asks in a panicking tone! "Yeah, he is last time I saw him!" I panic! "LOCK THE DOOR KNEEL!" I hear Alex yell from the other side of the door! "But your outside!" I yell back. "Yeah, well I think this is goodbye, and if you don't lock it, you will all die!" I hear Alex yell!

"What will you do then?" I yell back! "Come on, I'm just going to run as far away from this place as possible, until it hunts me!" Alex screams! "Just lock the dang door!" Alex yells! I have to do it, I run to the door and twist the lock, and put metal bars into holes, which is pretty cool actually! They cut holes into the wood planks and deeper into the sand, so you can put metal poles in them, and then you can't open the door! They are really smart, but I still have to say goodbye to Alex.

Unless he makes it alive, which he probably won't, so I will have to say goodbye. "Goodbye Alex, thank you for what your doing" I say sadly. There's no answer, which means he is dead, or still running. At this moment, I should think about all of my losses I have had.

When I think about it, I have lost so many people after I was picked from the wheel. "AHH!" My whole stomach starts stinging so badly! I look at my bite that I completely for got about, and it's swollen! I can't tell anyone in this "Safe place" because they would kill me and eat me! And I do not want to be a turd, literally.

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