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"Hello? Is anyone in here? Where am I?" I ask in confusion as I'm strapped to a chair in a dark room! "Yes, yes someone is here" says a distant voice. The shadow of the voice is walking closer and closer to me! It appears to be a woman dressed as a doctor.

"Wait, why do I recognize you?" I ask. "Yeah, you know me, I'm the woman who tried to feed you to a night roamer." She responded. "Why would you even-" she cut off my speech by blowing gas into my mouth which makes me pass out.

I wake up lying in the middle of the street, of the city I live in! I'm lying across from the apartment I live in! I get up and start running to the front door of the apartment! I'm home! I'm home- right when I ran in the door, I was in the underground pit again, and I was with Mark!

I start panicking, is this a dream? Or am I dying and just going through my whole life? I'm freaking out! "I have to get out of here!" I scream, but I hear an echo? "Mark?" I ask as I feel dizzy. He doesn't respond, he's still just sitting there staring at the dirt wall!

What is going on! I start climbing the dirt wall, until I get to the bamboo, and it is broken just like before! I start climbing out, and a huge night roamer is waiting right there to eat me! "AHHH!" As soon as I enter the roamer's mouth, I and back in that underground station! And I'm floating, and the men are shooting at me again! But somethings different, the bullets their shooting are not being affected by gravity! They are coming in fast! "AHH-" I have been shot, right in the head. Wait, how am I still thinking if I'm dead?

"AHHHH!" I wake up in a tight plastic tube, I'm connected by wires suctioned to my head! "Clap! Clap! Clap! Congratulations! You past the test without having a heart attack!" Says a man outside of the tube. "Why am I in here!" I scream. "Well, everyone who escapes the land has an open mind, so we test them just to make sure we are correct." "Why do you need "open minded" people?" I ask. "Well, we make them move on to the next stage." He replies. "What do you mean by "next stage" I ask. "Well, the land above us is stage one, and if you pass all of the stages, you may have freedom, and can never be chosen on the wheel again." He answers.

"Well, can you let me out now? I already did the test!" I yell in a commanding voice. "Oh, well yeah we are going to let you out now, and we are going to strap you down to a stretcher." He says. Why are they going to strap me down to a stretcher? And who is with him? The man opens the plastic tube and three men walk in with a stretcher! One of them grab me and throw me away from them! Then one of the other men in suits punched the guy in the face! But then two other men in fluffy suits run into the room! So it's war.

One of the men in fluffy suits had a gun! And he shot the guy who punched him! All I did was hide the whole time, and they were all fist fighting, with a guy making them dance around bullets! I don't know if I should help them or not, I also feel dizzy still, and kind of numb!

I have to do something! I run and tackle the guy with the gun in his hand! And he tries to shoot me in the head multiple times, until one of the fluffy suited men knocked him out by punching him in the jaw! The man who knocked him out grabbed the gun, and ended the war with two gun shots.

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