CHAPTER EIGHT: Reverse Gravity

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I look forward and see a huge lit up station. The whole time we were all up there, there was a huge station under us! Before I can start inspecting, I see a something moving inside almost like they are coming out of the station. So I run behind the big metal box, hoping they won't see me.

The figure I saw turns out to be a man dressed like a janitor. The man walked outside of the station, and grips the metal cart! He's going to see me, I'm dead! The "janitor" rolled the cart away from me and started rolling it into the station, he didn't even see me!

I need to get out of the open, so I have to move. I have no choice but to go into the station. I look at the door and it looks like you need some sort of key card to get in. How am I going to get a key card? A few minutes after I started thinking, the "janitor" started walking back out, so I got an idea.

Right when the "janitor" walked out of the door, I punched him right on "the button" which means in jaw, and if you hit them the right way, they get knocked out. I bent down a grabbed the key card, then ran to the door. I swiped the card and it said "access denied!"

Does that mean this is a fake card! I start thinking again, and I come up with something. I can break one of the wheels off of the metal cart full of goo! I started as quickly as possible so I don't get spotted. I struggled for about an hour until I finally broke the wheel off the cart.

I immediately start hitting the glass with the wheel, until I got a better idea. "CRASH!" I threw the wheel as hard as I could. The glass window broke into millions of pieces! I start running in, looking for anything useful. Then I see a door that has the number, 709 printed on it! That's my given number, so I wanted to go in so I know what they are doing with my number on a door.

I twisted the knob on the door, and it was unlocked! When I walk in, I turn on the light switch and I couldn't believe what I saw.

The room was full of pictures of me, doing everything! Sleeping, eating, reading, and even going to the bathroom! I was being stalked. And does that mean everyone else is too? "EVERYONE IN THE BUILDING GET TO THE TESTING STATION IMMEDIATELY!" I looked around to see where that came from, and saw a huge speaker in the room. Then I heard footsteps, so I had to do something!

When the sound of footsteps faded away, I ran out of the room and had an idea. I ran to the "janitor" and I had no choice, I switched out cloths, so it looked like I was one with the station.

All I need to do is find "the testing room" and act natural. I start running down the hallway looking for any signs or anything useful. I think I see a sign, so I'm going to keep running to it. I finally reached the sign and it says "TEST ROOM" "MAIN AREA" I'm going to go to the testing room.

Finally I see a door, and it's marked "TESTING ROOM" so I'm going to walk in. Right when I walk in the room is full of people, and there is a man on a podium holding a microphone. In the middle of the room there is a huge toon looking area, I don't know what it is exactly.

"Attention! Attention! Today we will be testing the low gravity tube! And we will have one person to volunteer to be tested on! Anyone?" The man on the podium announced. Everyone in the room raised their hand, except me. "Ok I see we have a volunteer!" The man said.

He stepped down and grabbed my hand, and he started walking me to the clear door to the thin glass tube! I start pushing back away from the door, because I don't know what's going to happen to me! Then he started using more force, and shoved me in the tube just like the men shove you in the bodybags!

Right when I entered the tube, nothing really was happening. Then I start to feel something, like I'm floating. Then I look down, and the ground is not touching the bottom of my shoes. Wait, I can't... breath. "LET ME OUT OF HERE!" I scream! I need to get out of here now!

I have an idea, but I have to act fast. I start bashing the think glass, and I think it's cracking! I start bashing harder, and there two layers of glass! "Crack! Crack!" I think it's, working! I can't, breathe...

"Shatter!" The whole glass barrier shattered into billions of pieces! Finally, air! I can breathe again! I need to get out of here! A bunch of people start floating towards me with guns! They start shooting but there's no gravity! "HAHA!" I laugh! I keep floating, until I get out of the room, and I think there's gravity in here for at least a few seconds!

I start running on my feet finally! And I need to get out of here! I look behind me and see dead bodies floating out of the doors, they ran out of air! I need to move faster!


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