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We have been trying in the "safe place" for months, just sitting around, eating very little each day. Wait, I have the greatest idea! "Hey everyone, I need to show you all something" I tell everyone. I lift up my shirt enough for everyone to see my bite. Everyone in the room let out huge gasps!

"But, you can always just dissolve the poison in my bite!" I tell everyone in the room. "Yeah, but we never know if you will infect all of us!" Waiter tells me. "Well, what If you dissolve the poison before it affects me" I suggest. "Well we better get to it if we don't want it to affect you" the waiter says. He comes over to me with a pot of some some liquid, and steam is coming from the top! He immediately pours the liquid on my stomach! "AHHHHH!" I scream! It feels like a thousand knifes had been stabbed into my stomach! I don't even know if that's possible, but it feels something like that!

I pass out, and fall the the ground after screaming my heart out!

"Cough! Cough! What the-" I look around and I'm not in the "safe place," I'm in the middle of Infection City! I was just lying on the ground! I get up, and start walking and thinking, I wonder why I am here, maybe they put me here so they would not get infected? Well, I guess I have to keep going.

Wait, I recognize that skyscraper! Hey, I think that's the "safe place"! But I don't think I should go back in, they would be afraid of me. I have to keep going, maybe I could find that place with broken down dune buggies and helicopters Ash was talking about. He said that you can find it if you go north. All I need is a compass, I'm thinking about stopping by the "safe place" again.

I have made my decision, I'm going in. When I get to the door, I give a big knock. "Creek! Creek!" I hear footsteps inside, so I knock again. "Knock! Knock! Knock!" Finally, the door opens, and the waiter opened it holding a crowbar! "It's just me! All I need is a compass, and I will not bother you again!" I tell him. "Ok just don't get close to us" he says. "Here" he says as he tosses me a small red compass. "Thank you!" I say as he slams and locks the door.

I look at the compass, and start walking North. I have been walking for hours and hours now, and all I have been seen is broken down buildings and sand. Wait, I think I see something! It's a helicopter! And it looks really new! "Swoosh! Swoosh!" I start hearing footsteps behind me! And they keep getting faster and louder! "Who is there!" It was Alex! And he was being chased by that huge metal cube thing!

"Kneel! Run!" He yells at me! We both start running as fast as our legs can go! "There's a helicopter right there and it looks like it can still fly!" I yell to him! "Does it need a key or something?" He yells back at me! "No! I think you just need to push a green button!" I scream back!

When we both reach the helicopter, we go separate ways around it to confuse the metal cube! "Start the helicopter Kneel!" He yells at me! Then Alex starts running all different ways! I jump on the front seat and push the green button over and over! Until it finally starts! "GET IN ALEX!" I scream! He starts running as I lift the helicopter in the air! He jumps in the passenger seat! I lift the helicopter as fast as possible, and we take off.

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