CHAPTER THREE: The Revealing

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I drop the knife immediately, and climb out of the pit. There was people circling around the pit when I climbed out. "Uhh, what are you guys doing?" I ask in confusion. "Thank you for saving us all" a women said. "I saved you all?" I ask proudly. "Yes" they all say.

I look around, and see huts and chairs and fire pits. "There a whole village here?" I ask impressed. "Yeah, the village has been passed on for years and years." A man says. "Well I have a question, what did that guy get bit by?" I ask curiously. They are called night roamers. "Well wha do they look like?" I ask. "They are tall, and they kind of just look like trees. But that's not all, they have little bugs living inside of them, huge bugs." Someone says. I open my eyes like toothpicks are trapped between my eyelids.

"Ok well I have another question, how are we here?" I ask. "Well we don't completely know for sure, we think from experience that they send you in triangle shaped blue pods in the sky. Then you drop to the ground, somehow you don't get injured. We don't know how it's possible, but only one man remembers something in the lab before they sent him here." Someone replies.

"Well who is he?" I ask in a confused tone. "Follow me, I will show you but he can't talk very well, he is really old." A woman says. I follow her into a little forest, but I don't see anything. I start to see something in the distance. "What is this?" I ask in a scared tone. "I did what you asked night roamer! I brought you a body to feast on!" The women said. "AHH!" I scream! "oof!" I yelp after the women tackled me. "HELP ME!" I scream. I look around and see a palm sized rock. I grab it and bash her in the head with it. But I do not feel guilty, I had to do it for my life.

I completely forgot about the night roamer behind me. I look back in a panicking motion, my whole face expressed itself in terror. The night roamer was chasing me with huge yellow and red striped bugs behind him! I yell, "HELP! HELP!" I run as fast as my legs have ever ran. I didn't want to look back because it would freak me out even more. It started to get darker, and I almost reached the village.

"HELP! HELP ME!" I scream! A man ran out of his hut and looked around. He glanced at me and yelled "HES A TRAITOR! Everybody get up, and run for your life!" I saw everyone run out of their huts and picked up spears. I didn't know which way to run, if I ran towards the people they would put a super through me, and if I ran to the side, I would run off a cliff.

I made a decision, I ran to the side and surprisingly the night roamer and the bugs topped chasing me. But they chased the villagers. So i wanted to help them, I saw a long pointed stick on the ground, that I think can work. I start running to the villagers, and bugs immediately start chasing me! I start swinging the stick back and forth, and surprisingly it's working!

I start beating multiple bugs to the ground, everyone was fighting for hours and hours with multiple losing their Lives. I keep holding my stick tight and teaching these bugs a lesson. "ARG!" I am surrounded with bugs and they keep hitting me with their wings! "Ok that's irritating me!" I'm mad now, so I will unleash the fury. "SWING! SLASH! WIP!"

"I can do this all night!" I yell! Everyone keeps fighter for more and more hours. Until, we see the light of day which scares off the night roamer and all of the bugs.

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