CHAPTER ELEVEN: Infection City

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"Well, I can't believe we made it out of that nasty place!" Ash yelled as he steered the Jeep. "Well, thank you guys for saving me back there!" I yell over the loud engine. "CLINK!" "OH NO! There's infected people all over these lands!" Ash yelled as quietly as possible!

"Ok just take it nice and easy" Shaquille suggested As we bump over many holes full of the infected, Shaquille let off the biggest fart I think I have ever heard. "FART!" "No Shaquille!" Ash screams! I try not to laugh, but I can't help it! "Bahaha!" I laugh, regretting my decision!

"AHHHH!" Ash screams as he looks at the mirror. I take a peak at the mirror to see what it is. "AHHHH!" I scream as I see that the infected is chasing us! And every hole in the ground we hit, more of the infected come out to add to the horde!

"Look! Maybe we can lose them in those broken down buildings!" I suggest as hopeful as possible. "I guess there's no other option!" Ash yells back! "Hey look at that sky scraper! It looks open enough that we can drive up it!" I suggest! "If any of you guys live through this whole thing, and I don't, tell my parents I love them!" Ash yells!

"AHHHH!" Shaquille screams as we start driving up the broken sky scraper! Every unbroken window we drive over breaks into billions of pieces! When I look back, I see that the infected are falling through the broken windows! "Uhhh... hey Kneel! Did you have an idea for how we are going to get off this dang sky scraper!" Ash screams! "Oh my gosh! I didn't think it through that much!" I yell! "AHHHHH!" We all yell as we drive off the edge of the broken down sky scraper!

"OOF!" I say as I fall out of the Jeep and onto the ground. "AHHH!" I hear Shaquille yell through the Jeep windows! They are going to die on Impact! I don't know what to do. I have nothing else to do but to wait and see what happens! "CRASH!" The Jeep hits the ground, and I don't even know if they are still alive! I run to the Jeep, and kick the remaining windows!

"Ash! Ash! Wake up! Come on Ash!" I yell as I see ash with his eyes closed, knowing that there's a 70% chance he's dead! I check his pulse, and sadly he has stopped breathing. I have to keep going checking around the Jeep. I look at Shaquille, and I see, he is still alive! "I was born with very strong and sturdy bones. I think I only broke a finger, otherwise I'm fine." Shaquille says weakly.

"Well, since we both survived we have to keep moving" I say. "Is Ash alive?" Shaquille asked. "No, and I don't think there's anything we can do about it" I say in a sad tone. "There is one thing we can do." Shaquille says. I find a big rock in the ground and see a knife in the Jeep, so I get the knife and start carving. "Here Lies Ash May he Rest In Peace" and we buried him in front of the rock, to show respect.

"Well, we are still really injured so I don't know if we should hide here and set up a camp or something." I say. "We can, I don't really care" Shaquille says. Ok let's try and get the seat covers out of the Jeep, so we can have something to protect us from the storm.

Shaquille went to find large sticks, as I yank the camouflage seat covers in the Jeep. "AHHHH!" I hear from a distance! I think it's Shaquille! I start running the direction he walked! And keep hearing the screaming over and over! "SWOOSH! SWOOSH!" The sand storm is coming in! So Shaquille is probably blown away by now! I have to get to camp or I'm going to get blown away! I fall to the ground, and start crawling closer to the camp, struggling like I just fell out of a Jeep that jumped off a sky scraper, Literally!

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