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"Ok, now press get red button to go down. And pull back the handles to go up, and twist them to go right or left" Alex tells me as he reads more of the "how to fly a helicopter" manual. "Wow! Look at the oceans!" I yell with excitement! I haven't seen this much water in years!

"Wow, look how big those waves are coming in!" Alex yells at me! "OH NO! It looks likes it's going to storm!" I scream! The sky's get darker and darker, with gray clouds moving along the sky! "We are going to crash!"  I scream!

"Goodbye world!" I yell into the air! "No, the helicopter just weighs too much!" Alex yells! "Wait! What are you doing!" I scream at him! He's saving my life! He is jumping off the plane! "No you can't do this!" I yell as I grab him! He pushes me back, so I can't touch him at that moment! "NOOOOO!" I scream as Alex falls backwards off the helicopter!

I have to keep going! I think to myself, so I steer the helicopter away from the lightning! The helicopter nearly touched the water! I pull back with all of my might! And the helicopter finally raises into the air and out of the water! Now I have no control of the helicopter! The strong winds are pushing and pulling it around!

"AHHH!" I scream as I fall out of the helicopter! "Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!" I think I'm, dying-

I wake up inside of a weird red substance! I can't hardly move around! Where am I! I have been sitting here for hours, even though I have no track of time, I am pretty sure! "SPEW!" "AHHHH!" I have been shot out of a whales mouth! I swim to the air as quickly as possible! Until, I finally breathe fresh air, and not whales breathe!

"HONK HONK!" I think it's a ship! Wait, is that Block Force! OH NO, I'm going to be saved by the people who were trying to kill me! I have no choice, I'm going to die out here anyway. When the ship reached where I am, I see a ladder so I climb aboard! "Hello Kneel! We have been expecting you!"

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