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When the storm was over, I decided to keep moving, incase I would be killed overnight, or infected. I don't even know where I am, so I just keep walking. I see a perfect looking tilted sky scraper, with only a few broken dents on it. So I jump on one of the sides because I'm just bored. I Sarey walking along the windows looking all round but all I see is darkness inside.

"CRACK!" The glass broke! And I'm falling into darkness! Or just a pit of the infected! "AHHH!" I scream as I hear them! Wait, they are not roaming around the sky scraper, they are cooped into metal cages! "Flash!" The whole room lit up!

"HEY! You broke one of my windows!" Said a voice in the room. I look behind me and see a huge robot looking thing run towards me! "AHH!" I scream as I start running away, but it's a dead end! I'm cornered! "MERCY!" I scream! The robot looking thing opens its head and a man hops out and on to the ground! "It's fine kid, it's just a robot suit made for wars and defending" the man says. "I'm just going to need to replace that window up there that you broke!" He yelled again.

"I'm very sorry sir, I didn't know someone actually owned something here" I say in a scared tone. "Oh it's not just me! I have a whole crew, call us The Hiders." He said. "Follow me kid" he insisted. I followed him throw a thick plastic door leading to a smaller room. There was four other people in that room, and there was a large counter, with tables all along the floor boards.

"This is a nice place" I say in a pretty impressed way. "Thanks kid" says an older man sitting behind the counter. "You can just call me waiter, and that's Crock, Nate, And Rosy." The man behind the counter said. "Ok, well thanks for letting me in, and just wondering, is this a safe place?" I ask. "Of course it is! We have everything we need here! Food, water, and a shelter where the infected can't find us!" Said the man who was in the robot suit. "And by the way, you can call me Alex." Said the man again. "Ok Alex, well how are you getting all of your food and water?" I ask. "We get the insides of the infected, and we cook it for a few hours and it's pretty much just meat. And the water, we figured out that the venom in their bites, can be dissolved into liquid that you can drink." Alex said.

"Wow that's really disgusting" I say in a weird way. "Well, it works and you can always have someone to talk to." Said Alex. The waiter said, "and if you are bored, you can always help prepare the meals for everyone." "Ok, I enjoy cooking" I say with a smile on my face.

I really do like this place, it looks like it took so long to build, and it feels so warm and safe in here, maybe I can call this place my new home, but just without my real family.

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