CHAPTER TEN: Open Minded

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"Everyone can say their name and tell us a little bit about themselves" I say to the group of men who saved me. "Ok, my name is Shaquille, and no I am not named after Shaquille O'Neil." Says a tall man. "My names Philippe, and I used to eat pancakes for breakfast, until they only started feeding me cow tongue" say a small skinny young looking boy. "My name is Ash, and I used to like anime, but now all we get to watch is safety videos." Says a teen aged boy. "Ok, my turn, my name is Kneel, and i miss my family, mostly my dad, because he was chosen on the wheel when I was ten" I say in a sad tone.

"Ok let's get going, we need to get out of the testing grounds, and out to the city" Says Ash. "Really? Like the city with the apartments and sky scrapers in it?" I ask. "Nope, where we are going is the infected cities" Ash said confidentially. "The infected?" I say in a scared tone. "Yeah, that's what we were planning on doing, we found it on a map in the testing room, and we need to go there, it said that there is lots of crashed helicopters and dune buggies." He said.

I start putting on a fluffy suit and we all start running throw hallways. "Wait, where are we?" I say. "Are we lost?" Asks Philippe. "I sure hope not, we can find our way to the garage!" Yells Ash. "I think I remember these hallways guys, just follow me!" Says Shaquille. He starts running through hallways until we see the garage door! We start running to it, but then we see the door open! Two men walk through the doors holding big guns! "Hey! You are not commanders yet! You are not allowed to be around the station after two o'clock!" Yells one of the men. "Get to your cell room or I will shoot you!" He yells again. "OK TWO SECONDS OR ILL SHOOT YOU! ONE! TWO! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!" The men are shooting at us like we are their targets!

"They are reloading! Charge at them!" I scream! We all charge at them as fast as we can! Ash tackles one of them so we do the same! "We have to finish them!" Yells Shaquille. Shaquille and Ash grab both of the guns and finish them. Sadly, we lost Philippe.

We have to keep moving, so we run to the garage, and see the perfect Jeep.

"I really like that car daddy!" I say. "Yeah but I don't know if we can afford that, it looks really nice." Dad points out. "Yeah that is a really nice Jeep, I can still ask how much it is though." Mom said. "Excuse me sir, how much it that Jeep over there?" "Oh that's 70,000 over there." Says the car seller. Mom had a sad look on her face and walked back to us. "Kneel, that Jeep costs more than two times the amount of money we have in our account" mom says glumly. That's another one of my memories, it doesn't make we feel better thinking about it.

And the Jeep we see in the garage looks strangely the same as the one in my memories. "Well I hope we can make it in this Jeep" Shaquille says in a sarcastic way. "Well, there is a chance we crash, there is the infected all over the sandy lands. They are just underground, they live in holes, which is kind of depressing but they don't have any senses or feelings, so I wouldn't feel bad" Ash says with a smirk on his face.

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