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"Hey! Let go of my axe!" "No! I need this for working around my hut!" The distant voices wake me up, I was actually wanting to get a good amount of sleep tonight. "I said let go of my axe!" "No! I already said I need this for work around my hut!" I hear the voices outside again so I walk outside.

"What do you even need to do with the axe anyway!" "That's none of your business!" I hear again. I walk forward where all the huts are and finally see something. "Give me the axe or I will kill you!" "Wait, what's that on your hand?" I ask from a distance away.

One of the men look at their hand and see that they have been bitten. "Wow, all I wanted was a good life, and now you guys are going to just kill me." The bitten man said. I ask not knowing what I'm thinking "well, do u have the feeling of killing villagers?" "No, I really don't feel anything different about me, not even my hand" He replies.

I am being a total idiot, so I get behind the bitten man and lead him to the huge hut. "Everyone! I have news to share! This man has been bitten! But he doesn't feel different in any way, and he does not want to kill villagers!" I yell to the whole hut. "Get that thing out of here!" I hear from a villager sitting in a hammock.

"What do you mean by thing?" I ask in a demanding tone. "Look at his hand! Get up it out of here please!" The same villager yells. I look at his hand and it felt like I was looking at my own hand at age eight.

"AHHH!" I scream in pain. "What happened kneel?" mom asks. "HELP ME! I've been bitten by a snake!" I scream. My mother runs outside as fast as she can to see what happened. All I see is the terrible look on her face, it almost looks night she inhaled a huge amount of horse droppings. She picks me up and runs back into our apartment, and sets me down on my bed. "Honey! Get in here now!" Mom screams. "Why? And what happened?" Dad replies. "Kneel was bit by a snake!" My moms screams. Dad ran in like he was being chased by a cheetah. He gets multiple utensils and runs to my hand, I stare at the utensils because they sure were scary! "Ok I'll get this venom out" dad says confidentially. He sticks a metal stick looking tool all along the bite marks, cleaning out anything messy. Then he got a syringe and got all of the extra venom, and finally he rapped my hand with some sort of bandage that I don't know the name of. That's another disgusting memory I look back to sometimes.

I stare at the bitten man's hand and then, I see something coming out of it. "Bugs! Everyone run! We are all going to die if we stay here!" I scream in leadership. The bitten man runs outside too, and grabs his axe off the ground. I look over and see and evil smirk on his beaten up face from working every day.

"I'm going to kill you kneel!" He screams. My face lights up in terror, and I start running for my life looking for anything that can help me. Finally, I see the long pointy stick I had when I was beating up those huge bugs. I'm not afraid to use this old friend again.

"Swing! Swing!" He starts swinging his axe everywhere around me. "Ok this is getting irritating" I say.  I have had enough of this dancing around an axe. I immediately swing my stick at his head, and he falls to the ground. But the bugs in his hand aren't falling, they are coming out of his hand by the second!

I start swinging at them like I'm blowing smoke out of a window of a house. Finally, I got all of the bugs that are in the air, so I start hitting the guys hand to just check if there's any more bugs in it. Then I look down at the axe, and grab it. "Wow this is much better than a stick" I say.

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