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"You can sleep back here if you want?" Suggested the waiter. He was pointing to the kitchen, and I didn't even know what is was like in there. "Ok I guess I can" I say deeply regretting it. "Ok well I can go set you up a little cozy bed" waiter said. "Ok thank you!" I say in a kind tone.

Well, I haven't seen Alex in a while, where is he? First of all, he said he would fix the broken window in about an hour, and it's been four hours, and it's getting really dark, which is not a good thing, and third of all, his robot suit thing is still in here!

"I think I should go looking for Alex!" I tell all of the people in the diner thing or whatever it is. "That sounds like a good idea" says the waiter. We all put bullet proof vests on that they had under the counter, just in case. "I think we should be good now, and if you guys have any weapons or anything, I would grab them!" I say. When we all walk out of the diner thing, everyone lines up, like they are ready for war or something. We all start walking forward out of the building.

When we get outside of the sky scraper, I hear grunting from a distance! "Hey what's that noise?" The waiter asks. "It's coming from that way! Let's go!" I yell. We all start jogging to that direction, we can't see anything from the distance because sand is blowing everywhere.

I look further into the distance, finally seeing an outline of Alex! It looks like, he's in a big fight! "We have to get there as fast as possible!" I yell to everyone! We all start running faster and faster, until we reach the action! The waiter picks up a large stick, and runs into the fight! "I guess I'll be going bare hands!" I say and then start running into the fight! Then crock and rosy start pushing the people back into the fight when they fall away from it! And Nate grabbed a guy out of the fight and started punching him! And they started fist fighting!

Everywhere you looked there was blood! Even in the sand, and the bloody sand was flying everywhere which covered us in chunky blood! This is so disgusting but I have to keep fighting! I pushed Alex out of the fight because he looked too hurt to fight anymore!

"Get over here!" The waiter yelled to the guy who was beating up Nate! He ran to him with his big stick and hit him in the head multiple times! Until he fell to the ground, knocked out. Everyone that was left was me and this other annoying guy who just keeps kicking me in the knee!

"Ok I'm made now! Say goodbye to kicking knees!" I yell at him and punch him right in the stomach and then in the jaw! Causing him to get knocked out, and this was truly, The Blood Bath.

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