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"Pound" I woke up on the ground of a huge green land I have never seen before. "Hey! It's new meat!" Said a man running over to me. "HAHA! Let's get him!" Yelled another man behind him. My eyes opened wider than they have before, I start panicking as they run towards me. I start running the other direction, the second I ran ten feet I regretted it. "OH MY-" I screamed as I almost slipped off of a steep ledge that looked never ending.

I looked back, and they were getting way closer! I don't know what to do, so I start running another direction. Another ledge! I am cornered, they are running closer and closer, until they punch me and throw me down. They knock me out with a rock.

"Bang! Bang!" "Cmon let us out you are crazy!" Yells a man next to me. I look around and I find myself in a dug out hole with bamboo bars on the top. I look up and see the guy who knocked me out above the cage. It looked like he had an unusual mark on his neck.

"Hey what's on his neck, and why are we in here?" "He's been bitten, and he's gone crazy. We tried to stop him, but he killed off the rest of the people. The guys behind him are taking his side just so they don't get hurt." He said in a sad tone. "So, what's your name anyway?" I ask. "My names Mark, what's yours?" He asked kindly. "My name is Neil, Neil Harris."

I forgot to tell you my name at the beginning, so sorry about that, I guess I told you on the last paragraph.

"That's a nice name" Mark said. "So, how are we going to get out of here?" I ask. "I don't even know if we will survive the night" He replied. I start sweating like heat waves keep hitting my face over and over. "Well we have to get out of here, and if you don't want to help, I will gladly get out of here myself" I said commandingly. "Well, I guess I will die someday anyways, I'm in" mark said with a sigh.

"We need to find a rock!" I command. "Well I don't know if that will be a problem" Mark says as he pulls a rock out of the dirt. I grab the rock out of his hands and start climbing up to the bamboo bars. I don't even know what I'm doing up here or if I'm going to get caught. I start sawing at the bamboo with the rock, I don't even know if I'm an idiot for doing this. "Crack!" I fell down to the surface, not knowing if I'm injured or not. I look up and see one of the bamboo poles is broken.

"You did it! I didn't know you were good at anything!" Mark said sarcastically. I give him an evil glare. "Cmon let's get out of here now!" Mark exclaimed. He jumped on to the dirt wall and started climbing to the bamboo. "Hey I think we can get out now!" He started to climb out of the pit. "Where are you going?" Yelled the guy who got bit. "Mark! Be careful!" I yell.

The guy with the bite on his neck grabbed a handmade knife. I don't know anything that's going on up there so I just stand there on the surface and watch. "You know what we were planning on doing to you if you try to escape!" The bit man screamed. "AHH!" Mark yelled in pain. Mark had been stabbed in the neck, and feel to the surface. My jaw dropped, but I had no time to give up. I feel bad for leaving Mark just lying there dead, but I had no time to waste.

I ran and grabbed the knife out of Mark's neck. "Ok! Fine you want to fight me!" The bitten man challenged. He jumped down to the dirt surface and rolled up his sleeves. "Ok I know this isn't fair, but I will take these odds weakling." The bitten man said. I didn't say anything, I just stood there with the knife ready to fight.

"Swing!" The bitten man tried to get a clean punch but missed. "Swing! Swing! Punch!" He jabbed me in the stomach. "Agh!" He grabbed my head and kneed me in the face over and over. I gripped the knife, and stabbed him in the leg! "AHH!" He yelled. "Ok fine, I see how it is." He remarked. "Well wasn't this a fight the whole time?" I said regretting what I said. "Punch! Punch!" He jabbed me in the jaw two times. I couldn't take it anymore, I didn't know what I was doing, so I did it.

I stabbed him, in the chest, I didn't know what I should've done. I didn't know if he would kill me or not, and I didn't want to go like that. So I did it, I don't know if I regret it or not, but I did it.

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